Town Board Meeting


Monday, October 10, 2011                                   7:00 p.m.                                           Town Hall

The October Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Officials present:  1st Supervisor Dan Rettler—led the board meeting, 2nd Supervisor Tom Neubert,
Clerk Karen Herman, and Treasurer Jeri Ohman.  Chairman Dan Knutzen did not attend the meeting until 8:30 p.m.  Deputy Sheriff Schuette was available to discuss town issues; Ralph Beyer (CSM), Denise Jochman with Bechard Group to discuss licensing issue; Michael Garvey was observing.

The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on October 6, 2011.

MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to dispense the reading of the minutes and to approve the September 12, 2011 monthly Town Board Meeting minutes as presented.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading of the minutes and to approve the September 12, 2011 Auditing Hearing minutes as presented.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to dispense the reading of the minutes and to approve the September 26, 2011 2nd Town Board Meeting minutes as presented.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

Building Permits:  #15 William & Barbara West – Agriculture Building with No Electric
                             #16 James Boucher – Pole Shed with Electric                            

a.)  Sheriff Department– Deputy Sheriff Schuette was present.  There were no issues with the town.

b.)  Sally Biagini – County Driveway Issue on Cnty Rd A, wants condominium permit to build home          
      Dan Knutzen will be contacting Tim Roach, County Zoning Administrator.

c.)  Town HallNothing new.

d.)  Roads
     Junk Cars on property – W5449 County Rd A (VerBoomen) – Take off agenda.  VerBoomen taking care
     of vehicles.
     Destroyed Fire Number in Road Right of Way – Tom Mullen – Signage ordered.
     New Signage needed—Arrows on Wood/Ballard Rd, Curve signage on State Rd/Multiple addressing
     numbers on private driveways–where to order addressing signs/Set Date – Road Signs Installation
     Posting – 10/15/11 at 8 a.m. until completion, putting up road signs.
     Annual Road Certification for General Transportation Aid due 10/21/11 – Knutzen completed at the
     board meeting.  Clerk sending out.
     Robin Rd—Flow of Water Trapped – Nothing done.  Discussion took place.
     N5229 Hample Rdissue of grass cutting of property – Knutzen looking into this situation.

e.)  Setup hearing dates –Freedom Development – Outstanding issues:  Comprehensive Plan
      Amendment needed before County Board can give final approval (hearing date was 1/31/2007) &
      Clayman Creek Storage zoning changes on map; Town Official Map Approval/Working Lands
      Requirements/Land Division-Subdivision Ordinance
— Knutzen contacting Jeff Sanders.  Town
      Attorney said new zoning ordinance was all right per Knutzen.

f.)  CSM (Certified Survey Maps)/Preliminary Consultation Requests—Parcels #010-004301 Ralph &
      Shirley BeyerMotion:  Rettler/Neubert to approve Ralph & Shirley Beyer CSM split.  All said aye.
      Motion carried.

g.)  Ordinance/Permit Violations/Permits Issued/Approvals (Building & Miscellaneous)
Building Permits:  #15 William & Barbara West – Agriculture Building with No Electric
                                   #16 James Boucher – Pole Shed with Electric

      ****Bob Kuehnl erosion control permit was reviewed.                           

h.)  FIRE/AMBULANCE –Past Due Fire/Rescue Runs—
     Judgements – (No Updates) — Jeremy Norton, Dustin Roskom, William Wagner, Carol Butler,
     Anthony Springstroh, and Michael Buffum— 
      Agreements – (No Updates) – Tammy Stueber, Jamie Rettler, Jesse Howard  (need updates)
     Unkown Status –(No Updates)  Vicki Waukechon (2008), Cynthia Silva $621.18 (2009), and Joseph
     Troiber $250 (2009)—  
     New Runs brought to attorney – (No Updates) -Bridget Villareal (Bankruptcy)  $604.05, Jacob
     Grieasbach  $511.18, Danielle Hintz $377.00, Kevin Backhaus  $626.18, Leah Beecher  $250.00,
     Roberto DeLatorre $250.00, Rita Helser  $533.05, Margaret McKeever  $125.00, Levi Spink  $662.18,
     Perry Springstroh $56.97, Peter St. Thomas $150.00, Lucas Ziewacz $416.25, Julie Merryfield
     Bankruptcy) $526.18

     Knutzen gave no updates – nothing done.

     Review Fire Department Budget – Reviewing Wed. when working on budget.

i.)  No Weapons Posting at Town Hall – Fire Arms/Weapons Ordinance– Board wants no ordinance at this
     time.  Putting signage up on both entrance doors.  Signage reads:  No Weapons Allowed Inside This

j.)  Writ of Certiorari-Frank Sausen—Appealed by SausenNo updates.

k.) Ordinance: authorizing alternative claims precedures/signageClerk to create ordinance.

l.)  Town Ordinance needed for Fire Dept. to bill insurance companiesClerk reviewed sample ordinance
     from the Towns Association and the Villages ordinance.  Knutzen getting fire call fees from the Rural
     Fire Committee.

m.)  Tire/Scrap Metal Collection Fall – September 17, 2011Neubert contacting Reetz Recycling to find
       out if scrap metal, which is given to Reetz Recycling, can replace the cost of tire loads brought in.  This
       was done in previous years.  Town has been charged since Fall 2008.
n.)  Intergovernmental Maintenance Agreement – Outagamie Co. Highway Dept.No to maintenance

o.)  Special charges on Tax bill for Garbage/fuel surcharges
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to approve the 2012 Garbage rate special charges with a 3% increase from
      last year and fuel surcharges from the end of 2010 through 10/2011 on the tax bill.

      $107.90 2012 Garbage rate (including 3% increase)
      $10.53 (end of 2010 and 2011 fuel surcharge paid by the town)
      Total garbage will be $118.43 for 2012

      $51,468.30 Total payment for Garbage Services to Harters for 2012
      $5,022.81 Total retained by the Town for reimbursement for fuel surcharge fees

      Total refuse special charges for 2012 = $56,491.11

      Recycling:  (Town pays the recycling fees each month and is reimbursed monthly by Outagamie County)
      $29.66 yearly per stop; paying Harters $14,147.82 per year.

      All said aye.  Motion carried.
p.)  Budget Resolution 11-2011
      The sum of $8,199.90 from the account Town Hall Expenses be transferred to the following budgeted accounts to pay the
       bills for October:
       The sum of $54.96 transferred to the budgeted account Elections account to pay the bills.
       The sum of $7,500.02 transferred to the budgeted account Road Maintenance account to pay the bills.
       The sum of $98.43 transferred to the budgeted account Miscellaneous account to pay the bills.
       The sum of $26.82 transferred to the budgeted account Office Equipment/Office Supplies account to pay the bills.
       The sum of $3.62 transferred to the budgeted account Office Expenses/Postage account to pay the bills.
       The sum of $516.05 transferred to the budgeted account Fuel Surcharge/Land Fill account to pay the bills.
            ROLE CALL VOTE:  Neubert=YES; Rettler=YES; Knutzen=YES;   3=YES and 0=NO.

q.)  Fox Community Credit Union—open new accounts/ordering checks
      MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to write a check for $600.00 to Fox Community Credit Union checking
      account.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

r.)  Employee Grievance Procedure Ordinance/Hearing Officer
     MOTION:  Knutzen/Rettler to approve Resolution 12-2011 the Grievance procedures & ordinance.  All
     said aye.  Motion carried.

s.)  Joe Schmidt requesting new liquor license $10,000 fee, be reimbursed for building improvements
      Knutzen will be getting a sample application.

t.)  Tax Refunds/Oustanding Checks issues
      MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to drop $1 check number 11055.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

      MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert reissue $50 check for Security Deposit Refund Check #11733.  Void check
      number 11044.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

u.)  Work on Budget 10/12 6:45 p.m.; Budget Hearing 11/10 8:00 p.m., Notices– Discussion took place.

MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler approving permit for We Energies to bore beneath the town roads.  All said aye.  Motion carried.  Knutzen signed permit.  Clerk billing We Energies $50.00 and sending permit back to We Energies.  ELEC WR#3142445 permit for Lorraine Steffens.

Correspondence taken care of.  

The treasurer's report, receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals have been reviewed.

Bills for October were reviewed and discussed.

Motion – Neubert/Rettler to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and to transfer $57,000.00 to pay the bills.  All said aye.  Motion carried. 

Total bills for October:  $57,120.79
The list of October bills are attached.

MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to adjourn at 10:56 p.m.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

                                                                                                Karen Herman, Clerk
                                                           Town of Black Creek


NextMonthly TownBoard meeting will be
November 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.