Town Board Monthly Meeting Minutes


January 11, 2016   

Monday, January 11, 2016                                      7:00 p.m.                                            Town Hall
The Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. following the internal Audit Hearing.

Officials present:  Chairman Dan Knutzen, 1stSupervisor Dan Rettler, 2ndSupervisor Tom Neubert, Treasurer
Jeri Ohman (left after the Treasurer agenda items were completed), and Clerk Karen Herman. 
Resident Mike Garvey was present. 

The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on January 7, 2016. 

MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading of the monthly Town Board meeting minutes for December 9, 2015 and approve the minutes.  All said aye.  Motion carried. 

Building Permits:         
#14 – 2 Storage Sheds with Electric — Peter Miles                               

a.)  Sheriff Department– No one present.

b.) County Preliminary Reports or Certified Survey Map (CSM) approvals:  Volkman CSM 010-0784-00,
       010-0894-02, 010-0781-00–   
Posting:  Planning Meeting 1/28/16 at 6:00 p.m. Town Only Meeting
       Agenda Items:  Comp. Plan Changes, Subdivision Revisions Review All; Review Preliminary
       Reports/Certified Survey Maps (CSM)—VanHandel, Heiting, and Volkman; Review Thomack Property
       010-0794-01 W3928 Krueger Rd, 4.37 Gen. Ag. Land Division Question; Jeffrey Sanders with Community
       Planning and Consulting will be reviewing the Comp. Plan changes.

C.)  Treasurer’s Report on receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals from the
       previous month
d.)  Year End budget Resolution 16-2015– 
The sum of $91.35from the Office Expenses/Postagebudgeted account betransferred to the budgeted
             category Town Hall Expenses.

             Beginning Balance in the following accounts:
             Checking FCCUaccount = $892.94
             Money Market FCCUaccount = $734,028.15

            The sum of $892.94balance in the Checking FCCU account be
            transferred to the Road Maintenance FCCU reserveaccount. 

            The sum of $654,434.01(***Partial December 2015 Tax Collections)
            plus the remaining sum of $79,594.14balance in the
            General Money MarketFCCUaccount be transferred over to a combined transfer total of
            $734,028.15 in the Road Maintenance FCCU reserveaccount.
            ***Total December tax collections were $748,434.85 – $94,000.84 inadvertently deposited into
            the Park & Recreation account = $654,434.01.  $94,000.84 will be correctly deposited into the
            Money Market account next month.           

             The new balance in the above accounts will be:

$0                                 Checking FCCU account.
$0                                 General Money Market FCCU account.
$734,921.09                 Road Maintenance FCCU Reserve account.
Roll Call Vote to Approve Resolution 16-2015:  Rettler-Yes; Neubert-Yes; Knutzen-
Yes3=Yes; 0=No      Approved

      New Year Budget Resolution 01-2016 and 02-2016
                        Resolution #01-2016
                       The sum of $892.94be transferred from the Road Maintenance FCCU
                        reserve account and put into the Checking FCCU account to get in
                        balance with the Treasurer’s checking account year end balances.           

                       The sum of   $654,434.01(***Partial December 2015 Tax Collection) be
                       transferred from the Road Maintenance FCCU Reserve account and put
                       into the General Money Market FCCU account. 

                      The new balance in the Road Maintenance FCCU Reserveaccount will be

                      The new balance in the Checking FCCU account will be

                      The new balance in the Money Market FCCUaccount will be

                      Account Transfer

                        The sum of ***$94,000.84be transferred from the Park & Recreation Savings
                        account and put into the Money Market–FCCU account.  This amount was inadvertently
                        deposited into the Park & Recreation Savings account.  This amount is a part of the December
                        2015 Tax Collection.  As of Jan. 4, 2016 the Treasurer reported that it was correctly
                        deposited into the Money Market—FCCU account now.
                        ***$654,434.01 + ***$94,000.84 = $748,434.85 total for December 2015 Tax Collection. 

                       The new balance in the Park & Recreation Savings account is $11,244.51
                       The new balance in the Money Market—FCCU account is $748,434.85
                       Roll Call Vote to Approve Resolution 16-2015:  Rettler-Yes; Neubert-Yes; Knutzen-Yes
                       3=Yes; 0=No


                       Resolution #02-2016
                            RESERVE ACCOUNTS

The sum of $20,000.00from the Road Maintenance FCCU Reserveaccount be
transferred to the Equipment Fire Truck account to reserve money for the New 2016
Equipment Fire Truck. 

Total in the Road Maintenance FCCU Reserve account $59,594.14
Total in the Equipment Fire Truck reserve account $20,000.00
Roll Call Vote to Approve Resolution 16-2015:  Rettler-Yes; Neubert-Yes; Knutzen-Yes
3=Yes; 0=No

e.)  Clerk Presents Bills and Transfers Money to Pay Bills
MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to approve the
       Treasurer’s Report, approve the bills, and to transfer $633,500.00 to pay the bills.  All said aye.  Motion

**Treasurer sending Witterholz, N2949 Hwy 47 letter regarding uncashed $50 hall rental refund check.**Treasurer sent tax bill out but bill returned with no forwarding address for Rita Rae & Ralph Helser,
parcel #010-068804.  Treasurer will try to forwarding the tax bill using the address found on the internet. 

f.)   Create Policy—When Multiple Owner Names Appear on the Tax Bill, Which Owner(s) Name(s) to
      Reimburse Tax Collection Refunds
MOTION Rettler/Neubert to send back the refund according to the
      name on the check and use “OR” instead of “AND”.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

**Put disclaimer in next year’s tax bill insert stating that the dates and times for tax collections could change because of unforeseen circumstances.  The message would be posted on Town Hall front door and the Treasurer’s voice mail message.
**Home removed on Michael Helser’s parcel #010-070803, N5046 Hample Rd, as of January 2015.  Town Assessor, Justine Schumacher has requested that the Town reimburse Michael Helser $1,047.53 since his home was moved out of the Town as of January 2015.  Justin will be completing the chargeback form for the DOR so the district can reimburse the municipality.  The form needs to be filed by October 2016.  Check was presented with the bills for this meeting tonight.

 g.)  2015 Pavement Ratings are Due to WisDOT by 12/15/2015Clerk was notified from the DOT on Fri.
       12/18/16 that our Town ratings were not completed by the required date of 12/15/2015.  Outagamie County was
        completing our 2015 Pavement Ratings so the Clerk contacted Outagamie County and she was told that the info
        as all in the system but it was not submitted.  Andy Rowell completed the submission as of Mon. 12/21/2015.  The
        Clerk verified with the DOT that no penalties would take effect for the late submission. 

h.)  County Unit Wis. Towns Assoc. Meeting on 1/18 at the River Rail, ShioctonMeeting is at 7:00 p.m. and the
      meeting notice has been posted. 

i.)  Town Hall –Board Room CabinetsTabled until the next board meeting. 
     Setup Meeting to Create Pavilion PlanTabled until the next board meeting.             

j.)  Roads–
      Ballard/Culbertson Rd Culvert – Install New Culvert
Tabled until the next board meeting.
      Kropp Rd – Gravel on the Shoulder by the Road Curves– Tabled until next board meeting.
      W4820 Krueger Rd – Trees Trimmed in Right of Way– Tabled until the next board meeting.
      Pot Holes on Town Roads– Pot holes are continuously being taken care of by Brian Gruendemann. 
      Take off agenda.     

**Board reported that Bruce & Karen Fischer, W5407 County Rd A, Parcel #010-071209 has built a new home and will be moving out their mobile home.  Town Assessor will need to be contacted. 

k.)  Planning Commission – Creation of Base Farm Tract Map– 
      Official Zoning Map needed according to approved Ordinance #01-2015
      Future Comprehensive Plan Meetings–       

***3/1/2016 Yearly Rezone Report due to DATCP – Contact Ben Wildenberg for rezone report mapping. 

 l.)  Permits Issued/Approvals/Violations (Building & Misc.)– 
      Shed Building Permit at N5800 County Rd PP (010-049701) looks like a Cabin–  
      Building Permit #14 – Storage Shed with Electric for Peter Miles

m.)  FIRE/AMBULANCE – PAST DUE FIRE/RESCUE RUNS – Jason Vanderwegen $221.00; Cody Plaster $714.25;
        Chelsey Keller $797.50; Ann Marks $749.25
$25 payment received by Vanderwegen 

       David VerVoort $200.00; Stephanie Manka $200.00; Peter KeberleinKnutzen will be talking to the
         Town Attorney tomorrow and will discuss the VerVoort, Manka, and Keberlein collection process.

       Town Ordinanceneeded for Fire Dept. to Bill Insurance Companies for RunsNot discussed with the
       Village of Black Creek yet.  Tabled until the next board meeting.      

*** Village of Black Creek would like to drill a well on Dan Knutzen’s property.  Discussion took place. ***

n.)   Ryan Rohan – Hwy 54 Recycling Compliance Results
Knutzen meeting with Town Attorney tomorrow
       for a proper letter to be sent to Ryan Rohan. 

o.)   Research New Property Insurance for BC Fire Building and Town HallClerk will be requesting a quote
        from MPIC, Valley Insurance Associates, Inc., Rural Mutual, and Community Insurance.

p.)  Reimbursement for Lunch Policy 60.321Discussion took place.  This topic will be looked into further
        when wages are set for the 2017 Town Election Candidates this fall. 

q.)   Approval of Building Inspector InvoiceMOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to pay the Building Inspector
       $1,265.00.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

 r.)   Appoint Election Workers to Work the 2/16/16 Primary (Supreme Court Race) if Needed
       MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert for Clerk to appoint election workers if needed.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

**The 2004 large Town Section Map located in the Board Room will be recycled.  Clerk verified with the County that old copies are available, if needed in the future.  The County will be mailing a revised section map on CD soon.
**1/22/2016 Drainage Board meeting at the Town of Center at 1:30 p.m., posting completed.
**Discussion took place to reschedule the February 8, 2016 Town Board meeting to a later date.

Correspondence taken care of.

***Received an email from Tim Roach 12/17/15 wanting verification from the Town of Black Creek on the proposed building setback from the CTH “A” right-of-way, in regards to Mr. Chizek’s Proposed Site Plan.  Clerk is to email the following response:  we have approved a plan for that site and if Chizek's plan falls within the boarders of the previous plan that was submitted, there would be no issue with project map #14-025 (dated 3/5/2015) which you emailed to us.
The address is W5697 County Rd A. 

Total bills for January 2016:  Fox Communities Credit Union = $633,460.73                           
List of December bills are attached.
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to adjourn at 9:09 p.m.  All said aye.  Motion carried.


Karen Herman, Clerk
Town of Black Creek


The Next Monthly Town Board Meeting will be February 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.