Town Board Monthly Meeting Minutes


February 18, 2016


Thursday, February 18, 2016                                      7:00 p.m.                                            Town Hall
The Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.  

Officials present:  Chairman Dan Knutzen, 1st Supervisor Dan Rettler, 2nd Supervisor Tom Neubert, Treasurer
Jeri Ohman (left after the Treasurer agenda items were completed), and Clerk Karen Herman.   

The following people were present to discuss the woods drainage issue:  (left at 7:39 p.m.) Paul Kaphingst, Chris Anschultz, Mark Anschultz, Mark Sonnleitner, and Isaiah Degner.  Outagamie County Parks Director Lauren Dieck (present from 7:11 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.) was also present.
The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on February 12, 2016. 

MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading of the January 11, 2016 Audit Hearing Meeting Minutes and approve the minutes.  All said aye.  Motion carried. 
MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to dispense the reading of the monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes for
January 11, 2016 and approve the minutes.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

Building Permits:         
#1 – Matt Lorge – Addition to House with Electric


a.)  Sheriff Department– No one present.

b.)  Paul Kaphingst Property Parcel #010-018200—Drainage of WoodsPictures and aerials of blockage were
       reviewed.  Copy of Todd Boehnlein’s Farm Crossing Permit Agreement dated 6/16/2009 was given to the
       Chairman.  After listening to property owner’s complaints, the following motion was made:   
MOTION:  Knutzen/Neubert to recommend to the County Parks Department to pursue
       Todd Boehnlein’s driveway over the trail which is causing the blockage for landowners. 
       All said aye.  Motion carried.  A letter stating this motion will be sent to Loren Dieck, County
       Parks Director.

c.) County Preliminary Reports or Certified Survey Map (CSM) Approvals:  Lois Volkman CSM
       Parcel #010-0784-00, 010-0894-02, 010-0781-00 –   
Planning Commission Motion from the 1/28/2015 Meeting — MOTION:  Garvey/Lemke CSM disapproved
       as presented because of the flagged lot.  All said aye.  Motion carried. 
       Volkman has been notified that the flagged lot should be combined with another lot.  We are waiting
       to hear back from Volkman.

       Lawrence & Debra Heiting CSM Parcel #010-037000 and 010-039800
       Planning Commission Motion from the 1/28/2015 Meeting — MOTION:  Lemke/West to approve the
       Heiting CSM with the following condition to be added to the CSM:  that prior of any future sale of Lot 3 or
       Lot 2, Lot 1 and Lot 2 must be rezoned out of Exclusive Agriculture.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

       The recommended changes were made on the revised CSM for the Heiting property and presented for
       this meeting.  MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to approve the Heiting CSM with the added notation.  All said
       aye.  Motion carried.

       Black Creek Prop. LTD (VanHandel) CSM Parcel #010-067700The Planning Commission Motion from the
       1/28/2015 Meeting — MOTION:  Lemke/West tabled until the next meeting until we get more
       information as to how Lot 2 will be accessed.  All said aye.  Motion carried.  Lot 2 is the old town dump.

       Thomack Property Land Division 010-079401, W3928 Krueger Rd, 4.37 General Agricutlure
       The Planning Commission discussed this advisory question—can the lot be divided?  The Planning
       Commission recommended that road frontage is needed, along with a separate well, separate
       septic, and separate everything for a 1 acre parcel split.

       The property is located on the corner of Mullen and Krueger Rd.  The division would allow one of their
       children to build on this property.  The Town Board would like a letter be sent that as long as you can
       meet the requirements of road frontage (150 feet).  Everything would need to remain separate,
       including the following:  well, septic, and driveway.  All of these requirements would need to be followed
       for an acceptable split of property.

d.)  Treasurer’s Report on receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals from the
       previous month

e.)  Budget Resolution #3-2016


The sum of $2,500.00from the Road Maintenance FCCU Reserveaccount be transferred to a newly created Recycling account to pay Harter’s for recycling pickup.  We are only refunded the amount Outagamie County is charged monthly by their recycler Inland.  The Town did not get bids during the last contract renewal with Harters, this is a requirement of the County Recycling reimbursement.

Total in the Road Maintenance FCCU Reserve account $57,094.14

Roll Call Vote to Approve Resolution 3-2016: Rettler-Yes; Neubert-Yes; Knutzen-Yes
3=Yes; 0=No      Approved

f.)  Clerk Presents Bills and Transfers Money to Pay Bills
MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to accept the
       Treasurer’s Report, approve the bills, and to transfer $480,200.00 to pay the bills.  All said aye.  Motion

g)   Create Razing Permit$50 Razing Permit.  Include with the Fee Schedule, newspaper, 3 posting places
       and annual report.  Clerk is to create the permit.

h.)  2016 Free Tire Recycling and Scrap Metal Collection April 16 and September 17Post 1-week before the
      collection day in the ACN-Times Press.

i.)  Town Hall – Board Room CabinetsClerk will be shopping for cabinets tomorrow.

     RJM Construction Pavilion PlanPlanning for a 2/22/16 at 6 pm meeting with RJM to discuss plans.  Clerk
     will be notified if posting will be needed.

j.)   Roads–
      Ballard/Culbertson Rd Culvert – Install New Culvert
Tabled until the next board meeting.
      Kropp Rd – Gravel on the Shoulder by the Road Curves – Tabled until next board meeting.
      Timber Creek – Tree Removal at W4820 Krueger Rd, Adolf Rd, and Wolf RdIn March the trees will be
      taken care of by Timber Creek.  Knutzen felt that Timber Creek’s pricing was more feasible to pay a per
      day rate than project rate.

      Set Date to Put Weight Limits on Roads – Weight limit signs will be posted on Saturday 3/12/16 from
      8:00 a.m. until completion.

      Bridge Inspections ReportReports from Outagamie County were reviewed.  The Town Board plans to
      review the reports in June.     

k.)  Planning Commission – Creation of Base Farm Tract Map

      Official Zoning Map needed according to approved Ordinance #01-2015 Find out the cost for an
      Official Zoning Map from Jeff Sanders, Community Planning and Consulting LLC.

      Future Comprehensive Plan Meetings – February 24, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. will be the next Comprehensive

l.)   Permits Issued/Approvals/Violations (Building & Misc.)

      Shed Building Permit at N5800 County Rd PP (010-049701) Looks Like a Cabin
      The Assessor will appraise the property for what it is.  Take off agenda.

       Building Permit #1 – Matt Lorge – House addition with electric.

m.)  FIRE/AMBULANCE – PAST DUE FIRE/RESCUE RUNS – Jason Vanderwegen $181.00; Cody Plaster $714.25;
        Chelsey Keller $797.50; Ann Marks $749.25

         Payment for Vanderwegen received the end of January for $40 and $50 received today.

         Cody Plaster – Claims docketed.  Take off agenda.

       David VerVoort $200.00; Stephanie Manka $200.00; Peter KeberleinTown Attorney is waiting for a
          response regarding the next step for the collection process.

       Town Ordinanceneeded for Fire Dept. to Bill Insurance Companies for RunsNot discussed with the
       Village of Black Creek yet.  Tabled until the next board meeting. 

n.)   Ryan Rohan – Hwy 54 Recycling Compliance ResultsMonitoring situation.  Keep on agenda.

o.)   Research New Property Insurance for BC Fire Building and Town HallClerk received responses from
        MPIC and Community Insurance.  No quote received from Rural Mutual or Valley Insurance
        Associates, Inc.  Clerk put together a report with the responses from each insurance company.
        Tabled until the next board meeting.

p.)   2% Fire Dues Self Certification Due 3/15/16Clerk informed the Town Board that the Certification
       process is due online on 3/15/16. 

q.)   Annual Rezone Report – Clerk completed and emailed the 2015 Annual Rezone Report to DATCP.
        DATCP called to verify that they received the documents.


Seymour High School plans to build the Seymour Alternate School on the North side of Fallen Timbers entrance.

Election Results –- 97 voted = 13 paper + 84 Edge Machine; 0 Provisional and 0 Late Absentee Ballots.

The Town Board agreed to allow the Clerk to have someone assist with election setups at the Clerk’s discretion and getting $10 per hour.

The Clerk has been notified by the Outagamie County Clerk that if future laws are passed, since the Election Relier Contract does not include tracking absentee voter in the SVRS System, additional responsibilities may be falling onto the Clerks.

Last month the Clerk gave the board an email showing all certified papers for posting legal notices.  The Clerk is to continue publishing notices in the ACN/Times Press Seymour.

Correspondence taken care of.


Total bills for February 2016:  Fox Communities Credit Union = $479,238.97                           
List of February bills are attached.
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

Karen Herman, Clerk
Town of Black Creek

The Next Monthly Town Board Meeting will be March 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.