Monday, February 14, 2011 7:00 p.m. Town Hall
The February Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m.
Officials present: Chairman Dan Knutzen, 1st Supervisor Dan Rettler, 2nd Supervisor Tom Neubert, Treasurer Jeri Ohman, and Clerk Karen Herman. Others present: Deputy Sheriff John Schuette, Michael Garvey, Dale Schmoll (status of zoning ordinance and rezones), and Amanda Dietrich (County Clerk candidate).
The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on February 10, 2011.
Motion – Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading of the minutes and to approve the January 10, 2011 Town Board Meeting minutes and Audit Hearing Minutes. All said aye. Motion carried.
New Building Permits– None
a.) Sheriff Dept. – Deputy Sheriff John Schuette was available to discuss town issues.
Amanda Dietrich stopped in to introduce herself as one of the County Clerk candidates.
b.) Town Hall – Town Hall Floor Buffer– Pursuing the Clean Freak Company for a 20” high speed
burnisher at $775.49. Retter will be checking into.
c.) Roads –
Junk Cars on property – W5449 County Rd A (VerBoomen)– Knutzen checking into. Tabled until the
next town board meeting.
Destroyed Fire Number in Road Right of Way – Tom Mullen– Neubert ordered fire number.
Cutting Trees in Road Right of Way – Ott/Krueger/Ballard/Calnin– Discussion took place.
Snowplow Damaged Ott Road – The damage is on Wolf Rd. Tabled until the next Board Meeting.
ATV-Snow Removal Laws on Town Roads– Take off agenda.
Review Address Numbers on County Rd P – Addressing fixed. Take off agenda.
Multiple Addressing Numbers on Private Driveways – Discussion took place. Tabled until the next
Board Meeting.
Chuck Riehl Driveway for Construction Business– Location: County Rd A and Hwy 47. Knutzen gave
Riehl the “go ahead” to move the driveway and to put gravel down with seeking approval from the
State. Riehl plans on using the driveway for moving machinery/excavator in and out from his property.
d.) Setup hearing dates –Freedom Development – Outstanding issues: Comprehensive Plan
Amendment needed before County Board can give final approval (hearing date was 1/31/2007) &
Clayman Creek Storage zoning changes on map; Town Official Map Approval— Knutzen will be
Contacting Dave Johnson and Tracy Schiltz from the County Planning Department to create the Town’s
Official Map.
e.) Working Lands Requirements-Zoning Ordinance Changes – Recommendations from Planning
Commission to Town Board– Knutzen will create the rough draft letter to be sent out in response to
land-owners rezoning requests. Planning Commission meeting will be set up but no date was given.
f.) Land Division-Subdivision Ordinance – Tabled until the next town board meeting.
g.) CSM (Certified Survey Maps)/Preliminary Consultation Requests—Tom Dudley CSM—approval of
Planning Commission request for lot 1 of 2 to have no structure which is stated on CSM—Motion
Town Board – MOTION: Neubert/Rettler — Planning Commission conditions –clause set in CSM already.
Approval to forward. All said aye. Motion carried.
h.) Review 2011 Licensing Fees – Keeping the same.
i.) Ordinance/Permit Violations – None
j.)Permits Issued/Approvals (Building & Miscellaneous)–
MOTION: Neubert/Rettler to approve WeEnergies permit for boring/trenching beneath the town roads.
All said aye. Motion carried. WR # 3028095 and WR #3028092.
k.) Fire/Ambulance — Past due Fire/Rescue runs –Tammy Stueber/Michael Buffum/Vicki
Waukechon/William Wagner/Anthony Springstroh/Scott Schultz/Dustin Roskom/Carol Butler/Jamie
Rettler/Jeremy Norton/Jesse Howard — Update with Cynthia Silva $621.18 and Joseph Troiber $250
Last month the Town made payment to the Black Creek Rescue Service for unpaid runs. The Town has
received the billing for all runs now except for the runs which were identified as bankruptcy. Knutzen
will take the unpaid runs to the Town’s attorney. Discussion took place to put judgment on the
bankruptcy runs. Knutzen will be getting the bankruptcy runs from the Rescue Service.
l.)Weight limits on town roads –set date–
Discussion took place to put the weight limit signs up the week of 3/15/11. Clerk will be contacted as
to when the posting should be done. Tabled until the next board meeting.
m.) Writ of Certiorari-Frank Sausen—Appealed by Sausen – Paperwork received by Knutzen regarding
Sausens cause for appeal. Tabled until the next board meeting.
n.) Copy of Document Fees for non-residents/Faxed documents/Emails–Review – Making an open
records request form. Tabled until the next board meeting.
o.) TownBuildingInspector Contract up 4/8/11 – MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to accept the Building
Inspector Contract for 4/9/11 – 4/8/14. All said aye. Motion carried.
p.) Town Ordinance needed for Fire Dept. to bill insurance companies – Tabled until the next board
q.) Budget Resolution 02-2011– not needed at this time.
r.) February 15, 2011 General Election – Clerk trained election inspectors on 2/10/11. Public test done on
2/10/11. Five election inspectors will be working with shifts.
s.) Tire Collection/Scrap Metal Day – Spring date: 4/16/11 and Fall date: 9/17/11 for tire
collection/scrap metal day.
Correspondence taken care of.
2/24/11 Redistricting meeting-County Board Room 5:30
MOTION: Rettler/Knutzen to allow Vominion Voting System to take over Sequoia’s election responsibilities. All said aye. Motion carried. Clerk will sign and send agreement to Vominion.
Treasurer's report receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals have been reviewed.
Bills for February were reviewed and discussed.
Motion – Neubert/Rettler to accept the bills for February, the Treasurer’s Report and to transfer $402,000.00 to pay the February bills. All said Aye. Motion carried.
Total bills for February: $401,758.41
The list of February bills are attached. Meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m.
Karen Herman, Clerk
Town of Black Creek
NextMonthly TownBoard meeting will be
March 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.