Town of BlackCreek
Monthly TownBoard Meeting Agenda
July 9, 2012
19.84(1) Notice of Town Board Meeting, County of Outagamie, Wisconsin
The Town Board of the Town of Black Creek, Outagamie, Wisconsin, hereby provides its written notice and an agenda of the public meeting for Monday, July 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. with the public meeting of the Town Board tobe located at theBlackCreek Town Hall, N6051 Twelve Corners Road, Black Creek, WI. The Town Chairperson or designee has provided communication of this public meeting by a posted meeting notice.
1. Call to Order.
2. Roll Call/Quorum Call.
3. Verification of Public Notice by the Town Board.
4. Approval of the Agenda.
5. Approval of Prior Town Board Minutes by the Town Board.
6. Report from Town Officers/Town Employees.
7. Report from Town Committees/Commissions. (optional)
8. Public Comments.
9. Specific Matters for Discussion and Possible Action by the Town Board in Open Session.
a Sheriff Department
b Town Hall
c Upkeep of Town Cemetery Sign on State Rd // Veterans Grave Care Report Approval
d Roads–Robin Rd—Flow of Water Trapped // Scott Construction—yearly road bid for chip sealing //
Review Town Bridge Inspection Report
e Setup hearing dates- Freedom Development—Outstanding issues: Comprehensive Plan
Amendment needed before County Board can give final approval (hearing date was 1/31/2007) &
Clayman Creek Storage zoning changes on map; Town Official Map Approval/Working Lands
Requirements/Land Division-Subdivision Ord. // Response to rezone requests/ Public Hearing to get
the zoning map inline with the farmland preservation map.
f Cnty Preliminary Consultation Checklist: Ralph & Shirley Beyer 010-0581-00; CSM (Cert. Survey Maps)
g Ordinance/Permit Violations
h Permits Issued/Approvals(Building & Miscellaneous)
i) Agreements–(need updates) – Tammy Stueber (2007), Jamie Rettler (2006), Jesse Howard (2005)—what are the agreements
ii) Unkown Status– (need updates) -Vicki Waukechon (2008), Cynthia Silva $621.18 (2009), and Joseph Troiber $250 (2009)
iii) Runs brought to attorney on 2/2011– (need updates) – Bridget Villareal (Bankruptcy?) $604.05—no run paperwork received, Jacob Grieasbach (2009) $511.18, Danielle Hintz (2009) $377.00,
Kevin Backhaus (2009) $626.18, Leah Beecher (2010) $250.00, Roberto DeLatorre (2010) $250.00, Rita Helser (2010) $533.05, Margaret McKeever (2010) $125.00, Levi Spink (2009) $662.18,
Perry Springstroh (2008) $56.97, Peter St. Thomas (2009) $150.00, Lucas Ziewacz (2008) $416.25, Julie Merryfield (Bankruptcy?) $526.18 – no run paperwork received; Town Ordinance needed for Fire Dept. to bill insurance companies for runs.
j New Ambulance runs received 2/2012– Mary Ann Nooyen (11/2010) $150.00, Thomas Beyer (1/2011) $609.95, Candy Jolly (4/2011) $652.18, Lisa Hodgins (3/2011) $621.79, Faith Roaik (5/2011) $682.44, Nicodemo Albanese (7/2011) $591.88, Richard Prokash 9/2011) $520.00
k 2% Fire Dues—Approval to pay BC Rural Fire Committee
l Writ of Certiorari-Frank Sausen—Appealed by Sausen
m Review/Approve Harter’s 4-Year Contract for Garbage/Recycling Collection
n Budget Resolution 08-2012
o WisconsinTown’s Assoc. County Unit Meeting-T-Black Creek Hosting 7/23/12 at 7 p.m.—preparations
p 8/14/2012 Partisan Primary Election Preparations // Approve Brenda Garvey as an Election Inspector
q Jeff Waldvogel Trucking, Inc. Disposal Permits for the following Properities Owned by: Robert Schmidt, Jr., Jeff & Doris Waldvogel, and Bob and Dave Dorn.
r September 15, 2012 Scrap Metal & Tire Collection Day Approval
s Appoint Planning Commission and Board of Appeals Committee Members for 3-year term
10.Correspondence Taken Care of.
11.Treasurer’s Report on receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals.
12.Clerk Presents Bills and Transfers Money to Pay Bill.
13.Discussions and Possible Action on Specific Town Board Notice and Agenda for Upcoming Town Board Meeting(s).
14. Adjournment. Dated this 5th day of July 2012 Meeting Notice Posted.
Signature of Chairperson or Designee