Monday, December 10, 2012 7:00 p.m. Town Hall
The December Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m.
Officials present: Chairman Dan Knutzen, 1st Supervisor Dan Rettler, 2nd Supervisor Tom Neubert,
Clerk Karen Herman, and Treasurer Jeri Ohman. The following ten people were present (7:06 – 7:36 p.m.) for the Burma Swamp (Ballard Rd) drainage issue: Mike Holz, Larry Springstroh, Richard Liewergen, Aaron Burmeister, Allen Burmeister, Kyle Holtz, Brian Holz, Roy Conrad, Dennis Zimmer, and Dennis Dietzen. Erik Heiden (7:06 – 7:36 p.m.), Randy Heiden (7:36 – 8:00 p.m.) and Michael Garvey (7:13 – 7:36 p.m.) were observing. Deputy Sheriff Lastuski was available from 7:16 – 7:36 p.m.
The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on December 6, 2012.
MOTION: Neubert/Rettler to dispense the reading of the minutes and approve the November 14, 2012 monthly Town Board meeting minutes. All said aye. Motion carried.
Building Permits:
a.) Sheriff Department– Deputy Sheriff Lastuski was available to discuss town issues.
b.) Town Hall – New Hall Roof – The town hall and shed roof are complete with the reshingle. Estimate
was $12,900. Town is paying H & H Exteriors $12,400 at this meeting. Take off agenda.
Order Hall Supplies – Knutzen will be getting the following supplies from Sam’s Club: new paper towel
dispenser, towels and toilet paper.
c.) Set January 2013 Audit Hearing Date –January 14, 2013 at 6:45 p.m.
d.) Roads –
Robin Rd—Flow of Water Trapped – Culvert installed, work done. Take off agenda.
TownBridgeInspection Report – County Spraying Bridges – Tabled until the next board meeting.
Town installation of new road signs – Continuous process. Take off agenda.
Request for Ditches to be Cleaned on Ballard Rd (Burma Swamp) –
***Agenda item taken out of sequence – First subject of the night***
Knutzen received the ditch survey from Carl Anthony (Outagamie County Drainage Board). Map shows
that it runs flat. Knutzen felt that if the ditch would be cleaned it would look nicer but it won’t flow
any better. Knutzen will be discussing the ditch clean up with Brian Grundemann.
Gravel on dead end roads for turn around when snowplowing – Knutzen updated the board with the
following road work which will take place:
Kringle Rd – Larger culvert.
Mullen Rd – Widen out turn around and put gravel down.
State Rd – Ditches.
Wolf Rd – Chipper and grind stumps.
Ballard Rd – Patch for winter with skid and broom.
e.) Setup hearing dates –Freedom Development – Outstanding issues: Comprehensive Plan
Amendment needed before County Board can give final approval (hearing date was 1/31/2007) &
Clayman Creek Storage zoning changes on map; Town Official Map Approval/Working Lands
Requirements/Land Division-Subdivision Ord. // Response to rezone requests–
Regarding the new working lands zoning ordinance for the Town of Black Creek — Final signature page
was sent to the county for Mike Hendricks signature. The county will send to Jeff Sanders and then Jeff
will send the zoning ordinance to DATCP for approval.
f.) CountyPreliminaryConsultation Checklist: Ralph & Shirley Beyer 010-058100 – Tabled until the
next board meeting.
g.) Ordinance/Permit Violations – Joan Wickesberg Trailor Home (State Rd) Removal– A refund check
will be sent today for $50 to Joyce Wickesberg along with a copy of the original check dated 12/3/2008,
and the original copy of the building permit. Take off agenda.
h.) Permits Issued/Approvals (Building & Miscellaneous) – Dale Schmoll—Culvert —
MOTION: Retter/Neubert to approve Dale Schmoll’s culvert permit. All said aye. Motion carried.
Agreements – Tammy Stueber (2007), Jamie Rettler (2006), Jesse Howard (2005)—
what are the agreements –
Unkown Status — Vicki Waukechon (2008), Cynthia Silva $621.18 (2009), and Joseph
Troiber $250 (2009)—
Runs brought to attorney on 2/2011 – Bridget Villareal (Bankruptcy?) $604.05—no
run paperwork received, Jacob Grieasbach (2009) $511.18, Danielle Hintz (2009) $377.00, Kevin
Backhaus (2009) $626.18, Leah Beecher (2010) $250.00, Roberto DeLatorre (2010) $250.00, Rita
Helser (2010) $533.05, Margaret McKeever (2010) $125.00, Levi Spink (2009) $662.18,
Perry Springstroh (2008) $56.97, Peter St. Thomas (2009) $150.00, Lucas Ziewacz (2008) $416.25,
Julie Merryfield (Bankruptcy?) $526.18—no run paperwork received –
Town Ordinance needed for Fire Dept. to bill insurance companies for runs – No discussion took
Attorney working on payment plans for past due runs.
Letter from Attorney regarding Backhaus was discussed. MOTION: Knutzen/Neubert to pursue
Mr. Backhaus on Default Judgment. All said aye. Motion carried.
j.) New Ambulance runs received 2/2012– Mary Ann Nooyen (11/2010) $150.00; Thomas Beyer
(1/2011) $609.95; Candy Jolly (4/2011) $652.18; Lisa Hodgins 3/2011 $621.79; Faith Roaik 5/2011
$682.44; and Richard Prokash 9/2011 $520.00 — Attorney working on payment plans for past due
k.) Budget Resolution 14-2012
The sum of $3,778 from the budgeted account Town Hall Expenses be transferred to the following budgeted accounts to pay the bills for December:
The sum of $80 transferred to the budgeted Treasurer account to pay the bills.
The sum of $143 transferred to the budgeted account Clerk account to pay the bills.
The sum of $2,853 transferred to the budgeted account Fire Dept. Expenses account to pay the bills.
The sum of $50 transferred to the budgeted account Miscellaneous account to pay the bills.
The sum of $77 transferred to the budgeted account Dues account to pay the bills
The sum of $575 transferred to the budgeted account Fuel Surcharge /Land Fill account to pay the bills
Role call vote: Rettler – YES; Neubert – YES; Knutzen – YES.
3 YES and 0 NO. Approved.
15-2012 and end of year resolutions– Since we have one outstanding bill (WeEnergies) the end of
year resolutions will be available at the January 14, 2013 town board meeting.
l.) Approve the Tax Bill Insert – MOTION: Knutzen/Rettler to approve the tax bill insert. All said aye.
Motion carried. OutagamieCountyRecycling Insert – Discussion took place. No special insert will be
included with the tax bills. Clerk will inform the recycling coordinator.
m.) Elections: Edge Hardware Maintenance Agreement 1/1/2013 – 12/31/2013 –
MOTION: Knutzen/Neubert to approve the maintenance agreement for $250 (one Edge machine) or
$500 (two Edge machines). All said aye. Motion carried. The agreement is only for the Edge machine
which was purchased in 2011. Knutzen questioned why the bill isn’t for $500 for two machines. Clerk
will find out when the Hardware Maintenance Agreement for the 2006 Edge machine purchase will be
Motion to accept Bill West as an election inspector–MOTION: Neubert/Rettler to approve Bill West as
an election inspector. All said aye. Motion carried.
n.) RefinanceFire Hall BuildingLoan (joint with Village) – Discussion took place. Knutzen will be
contacting BMO Harris and the Village of Black Creek.
Correspondence taken care of.
The treasurer's report, receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals have been reviewed.
MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to accept the Treasurer’s Report, approve and pay the bills and to transfer $50,000.00 to pay the bills. All said aye. Motion carried.
Total bills for December: Fox Communities = $50,248.44
The list of December bills are attached.
MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to adjourn at 9:36 p.m. All said aye. Motion carried.
Karen Herman, Clerk
Town of Black Creek
NextMonthly TownBoard meeting will be
January 14, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.