Public Budget Hearing and Special Town Meeting to approve the town tax levy

Public 2014 Budget Hearing

Wednesday, November 6, 2013               8:00 p.m.                        Town Hall
The hearing for the 2014 Budget was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Dan Knutzen.  Officials Present:  1st Supervisor Dan Rettler, 2nd Supervisor Tom Neubert, Clerk Karen Herman, and Treasurer Jeri Ohman.  Town resident Ralph Volkman was present.

The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law in the ACN/Times Press newspaper the week of October 21, 2013.  The agenda was also posted at the three posting places and at the Town Hall’s front door on October 21, 2013.

The Income and Expenditure categories and budget plans were reviewed.

Volkman suggested having the drainage rate per acre entered on the yearly budget.  Clerk will check into getting this information from the county.

The Town Board will review and approve the 2014 budget on Monday, November 11, 2013.

MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to adjourn at 8:15 p.m.  All said aye.  Motion carried.


                                                                                 TOWN OF BLACK CREEK


To approve the 2013 Town “tax levy” to be paid in 2014

Wednesday, November 6, 2013                  8:15 p.m.                      Town Hall

Immediately following the completion of the Public Hearing on the proposed year 2014 budget, Dan Knutzen called the special town meeting of the electors to adopt the 2013 Town “tax levy” to be paid in 2014 to order at 8:15 http://laparkan.com/buy-prednisone/ p.m..  Officials Present:  1st Supervisor Dan Rettler, 2nd Supervisor Tom Neubert, Clerk Karen Herman, and Treasurer Jeri Ohman.  Town resident Ralph Volkman was also present.

The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law in the ACN/Times Press newspaper the week of October 21, 2013.  The agenda was also posted at the three posting places and at the Town Hall’s front door on October 21, 2013.

Total proposed budget of income and expenses for 2014 is at $363,183.  Expenditures for 2013 were $362,867 which is a .08708% increase for 2014.

2012’s assessed value (includes real and personal property) was $94,851,500.  The 2013’s assessed value is $95,583,100.  This is a increased value of $731,600 which is a .77131% increase of assessed value for 2013.

The amount of the proposed town levy is $202,568 for 2014.  2013’s town levy was $200,582.  The amount of the town levy is up $1,986 an increase of .99011%. from 2013’s budget.

The Mil rate was $2.114695 for 2012.  The Mil rate for 2013 is $2.119287.  This amount has increased by $.004592 from the previous year.

A show of hands was done to approve the 2013 town tax levy paid out in 2014 which is $202,568: 
6 aye; 0 nay; 0 abstaining or not voting.  Approved.  Chairman and Clerk signed resolution.

MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to adjourned at 8:20 p.m.  All said aye.  Motion carried.


Karen Herman, Clerk