Monday, April 14, 2014 7:00 p.m. Town Hall
The Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. Officials present: Chairman Dan Knutzen, 1st Supervisor Dan Rettler, 2nd Supervisor Tom Neubert, Treasurer Jeri Ohman, and Clerk Karen Herman. Resident Michael Garvey was present observing the meeting. Jerry Linsmeyer was present for a burning permit and was observing tonight’s meeting. Deputy Sheriff Jake Pasch (present from 7:20 p.m. – 7:29 p.m.) to discuss town issues.
The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on April 9, 2014.
MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading and approve the March 10, 2014 town board meeting minutes as presented. All said aye. Motion carried.
Building Permits:
#1 – David Calnin – addition to garage.
a.) Sheriff Department– Deputy Sheriff Jake Pasch was present to discuss town issues including: Town
road signs are being taken down, right of way damage, and field damage.
b.) (Motion) set date for town board audit clerk and treasurer books in May –
MOTION: Neubert/Rettler to approve Thursday, May 15, 2014 for the audit hearing at 6:45 p.m. and
the next monthly town board meeting at 7:00 p.m. All said aye. Motion carried.
Monthly town board meeting date changed from Monday, May 12, 2014 to Thursday, May 15, 2014 due
to a conflict with scheduling.
c.) Town Hall – Knox box installation –Nothing done at this time.
Removal of Board Room Desk – Discussion took place to donate desk to Restore with free donation
pickups. Clerk will notify Neubert once desk is cleaned out.
Skinkis Lawn & Landscape LLC – landscape maintenance 2014 agreement – Proposal of $85 per
mowing occurrence plus $3.50 for plant bed maintenance. MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to accept the
maintenance agreement with Skinkis Lawn & Landscape LLC. All said aye. Motion carried.
3 year maintenance–pumping of town’s septic tank by August – Rettler will contact hauler.
d.) Roads –Weight Limits on Town Roads – The weight limit signs were placed on the town roads
Review Winter Weather Broken Road Signs – Numerous road signs were broken and a few road
name signs were stolen this winter. Special stickers can be purchased which can identify the sign
owner, installation date, and a tampering/steeling penalty fee.
Road Bids – Tabled until next board meeting.
Crack Filling Services Proposal – $10,000/$1.25 lb. cracking filling the following roads until the cost
of $10,000 is reached for the following roads: Wolf, Kropp, Kluge, Ott, and Stingle.
**Knutzen received a bridge inspection report from Outagamie County. Knutzen will be contacting
Outagamie County to take care of the approach with the Stingle Rd Bridge.
e.) Planning Commission — Zoning Ordinance and Town Official Map Approval // Land Division-
Subdivision Ord. // Response to rezone requests // Town requesting an extension until 12/31/14
for the completion of the town’s zoning ordinance and map certification approval with DATCP–
Tabled until the next board meeting.
Lois (Robert) Volkman 010 078400 (38.7 acres) and 010078100 (20 acres) Building New Home –
Planning Commission will need to review the request for a new home to be built.
Springstroh property 010 058600 (.93 acres) split 2 homes with shared driveway, well, and LP tank
– Planning Commission will need to review the request of splitting this parcel.
f.) Permits Issued/Approvals/Violations (Building & Misc.) –
Dan Rettler presented building permit #1 – David Calnin –addition to garage.
Two new ambulance run bills were given to Knutzen to report to the board but he will bring them to the
May 15th town board meeting.
i) Agreements – Tammy Stueber (2007), Jesse Howard (2005)—
Knutzen has not contacted the town’s attorney for updates.
ii) Unkown Status – (need updates) – Vicki buy effexor xr 75mg Waukechon (2008), Cynthia Silva $621.18 (2009), and
Joseph Troiber $250 (2009), Kevin Backhaus (2009) $626.18 —
Knutzen has not contacted the town’s attorney for updates.
iii) Runs brought to attorney on 2/2011 – Jacob Griesbach (2009) $436.18, Danielle Hintz (2009)
$377.00, Leah Beecher (2010) $250.00, Roberto DeLatorre (2010) $250.00, Margaret McKeever
(2010) $125.00, Levi Spink (2009) $662.18, Perry Springstroh (2008) $56.97, Peter St. Thomas
(2009) $150.00, Lucas Ziewacz (2008) $266.25 –
Knutzen has not contacted the town’s attorney for updates.
Receiving payments for Ziewacz on a regular basis but none to report tonight.
iv) Ambulance runs received 2/2012–Mary Ann Nooyen (11/2010) $150.00; Candy Jolly (4/2011)
$652.18; Lisa Hodgins 3/2011 $421.79; Faith Roaik 5/2011 $682.44; and Richard Prokash
9/2011 $520.00, 8/25/2013 Ambulance Run Bills – Jason Vanderwegen $526.50, Todd
Jaskolski $628.25 – Knutzen has not contacted the town’s attorney for updates.
Received payment from Vanderwegen for $25.
Town Ordinance needed for Fire Dept. to bill insurance companies for runs –
No progress to report.
**Have not received the final signed agreement copy for back up assistance with local Fire
h.) Set Date for 2014 Open Book and Board of Review (BOR)/BOR Training/Approve Ordinance
Relating to Confidentiality of Income and Expense Records for BOR/Approve Ordinance to
Appoint Alternate Members for BOR –
Open Book will be Tuesday, June 3, 2014 from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Board of Review will be Tuesday, June 3, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Rettler and Herman will be attending the BOR training with the Wisconsin Municipal Clerks
Association on May 2, 2014 at the Town of Grand Chute.
MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to approve the Ordinance Relating to Confidentiality of Income and Expense
Records for BOR. All said aye. Motion carried.
MOTION: Neubert/Rettler to accept the BOR alternates: William West, Brian Gruendeman, Michael
Garvey, Bev Neubert, and Jeri Ohman. All said aye. Motion carried.
i.) Certified Survey Map (CSM) approvals/Review Preliminary Reports—Marge Krizek 010 002100, 010
002500, 010 002600; Bob Schumacher 010 003600; Don Guyette 010 003800 and 010 003400 —
Krizek – Knutzen saw no problems with this property split. 65 acres will be farmed.
Schumacher – Knutzen saw no problems with the preliminary.
Guyette – Knutzen saw no problems with the preliminary. Noted easement to hunting grounds.
j.) Reserve Liquor License $10,000 payback fee application – 14K Bar –
Nothing new to report.
k.) 2014 Liquor/Beer/Operator Licensing – Black Creek Sportsman’s Club and Romy’s Nitingale–
Clerk received paperwork from both businesses.
l.) Tire Collection/Scrap Metal Days: Spring-April 12, 2014 and Fall-September 13, 2014–
Neubert reported that there was 1 dumpster of tires and 1 dumpster of scrap metal with a good turnout.
m.) 4/1/14 General Election/Election Workers/Split Shifts/Training/Public Test–
Clerk reported that there were 45 voters for the 4/1/14 election.
n.) Annual Meeting 4/16 – Agenda, Posting, Food/Drink and Approve Annual Report–
The agenda was reviewed.
o.) Budget Resolution 02-2014–
Not needed.
Treasurer reported that personal property taxes can be rescinded to school districts for 2-years but receivership and bankruptcy must be rescinded no later than 1-year. Brett Robley (2 years ago) –receivership 010 99010550 cannot be rescinded so the check received from FVTC will be returned and a check will be made out tonight for the deposit received from the Shiocton School District.
Correspondence taken care of.
The treasurer's report, receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals have been reviewed.
MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to accept the treasurer’s Report, approve and pay the bills and to transfer $43,000.00. All said aye. Motion carried.
Total bills for April: Fox Communities = $43,372.01
List of April bills are attached.
MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to adjourn at 8:42 p.m. All said aye. Motion carried.
Karen Herman, Clerk
Town of Black Creek
The next Monthly Town Board Meeting will be
Thursday, May 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.