Town Board Monthly Meeting Minutes



Monday, July 14, 2014                                7:00 p.m.                                      Town Hall

The Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  Officials present:  Chairman Dan Knutzen, 1st Supervisor Dan Rettler, 2nd Supervisor Tom Neubert, Treasurer Jeri Ohman, and Clerk Karen Herman.  Resident Michael Garvey was present to observe the meeting.  Deputy Sheriff Ryan Lastuski (arrived at 7:06 p.m. and left at 7:11p.m.) to discuss town issues.

The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on July 10, 2014. 

MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading and accept the June 9, 2014 town board meeting minutes.  All said aye.  Motion carried. 
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading and accept the May 15, 2014 audit hearing minutes.  All said aye.  Motion carried. 
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading and accept the June 30, 2014 town board meeting minutes following the Public Hearing and Planning Commission meeting.  All said aye.  Motion carried. 

Building Permits:         
#7 – Edward Felton – Grain Bin with Electric and Shed with Electric 010-027000
#8 – Brett Derus – Garage with Electric 010-071403
#9 – Dwight Wickesberg – New House 010-013400                                   

a.)  Sheriff Department– Deputy Sheriff Ryan Lastuski was present after the meeting started at 7:06 p.m. to
      discuss town issues.     

b.)  Evan Byers requesting to build a new home at W5171 Wolf Rd – He would like to build a home behind
      his existing home and then tear down his old home after his new home is built.

c.)  Town Hall – Purchase New RefrigeratorTabled until the next board meeting.

d.)  RoadsBridge Inspection Repairs– Randy Roloff with the Outagamie Highway Department will be
      taking care of the repairs on all town bridges which are State/Stingle/Krueger.

      Matuszak on Adolph Rd Requesting Signage for Child at Play to Slow Down Road Traffic – Rettler
      installed 2 child at play signs.  Take off agenda.

      Installation of New Road Signs by Town Board – “Bump in Road” signage has been taken off the town
      roads.  The Installation of new road signs is a continuous process.  Take off agenda.

     Knutzen presented the board with a 2014 project bid with Scott Construction, Inc. for chip seal on
     Stingle and Forest Rd.  Knutzen signed the agreement as acceptance of the proposal for Stingle Rd (Hwy
     47 to Cty PP) – Single Seal Coat for $38,233.00.       

e.)  Planning Commission – Public Hearing to Review the DATCP Certified Zoning Ordinance 6/30/14
No discussion took place.
      Land Division-Subdivision Ord.No discussion took place. 
      Response to rezone requestsNo discussion took place.    

      Set up Planning Meeting:  Work on Getting Parcels Back to Original Zoning, Creation of Base Farm
      Track Map, and Update the Comprehensive Plan
Meeting will be 7/30/14 at 7:00 p.m.  Agenda items
      are listed above.

f.)  Permits Issued/Approvals/Violations (Building & Misc.)
     Tim Beyer – Approval of Driveway permit at N5655 12 Corners Rd

      #7 – Edward Felton – Grain Bin with Electric and Shed with Electric 010-027000
      #8 – Brett Derus – Garage with Electric 010-071403
      #9 – Dwight Wickesberg – New House 010-013400

     MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to approve Tim Beyer’s Driveway Permit.  All said aye.  Motion carried.



               Knutzen announced that he has contacted Attorney Menghini for updates with all past due
               fire/ambulance runs.


         i)    Agreements – Tammy Stueber (2007), Jesse Howard (2005)Tabled until the next board
        ii)    Unkown Status – (need updates) – Vicki Waukechon (2008), Cynthia Silva $621.18 (2009), and
               Joseph Troiber $250 (2009), Kevin Backhaus (2009) $626.18
Tabled until the next board
       iii)    Runs brought to attorney on 2/2011 – Jacob Griesbach (2009) $436.18, Danielle Hintz (2009)
               $377.00, Leah Beecher (2010) $250.00, Roberto DeLatorre (2010) $250.00, Margaret McKeever
               (2010) $125.00, Levi Spink (2009) $662.18, Perry Springstroh (2008) $56.97, Peter St. Thomas
               (2009) $150.00, Lucas Ziewacz (2008) $266.25
Tabled until the next board meeting.              

       iv)    Ambulance runs received 2/2012–Mary Ann Nooyen (11/2010) $150.00; Candy Jolly (4/2011)
               $652.18; Lisa Hodgins (3/2011) $421.79; Faith Roaik (5/2011) $682.44; and Richard Prokash
               (9/2011) $520.00, 8/25/2013 Ambulance Run Bills – Jason Vanderwegen $451.50, Todd
               Jaskolski $628.25
Received payment from Vanderwegen from Town’s Attorney for $25.

         v)   Ambulance runs received 5/15/14 and brought to attorney:  Lisa Kehl $630.00; Jennifer
               Krause $430.91
Attorney has sent out collection letters for these two people.

               Town Ordinanceneeded for Fire Dept. to bill insurance companies for runs
No progress to report.  

h.)   Motion to update the open records request fee of 25 cents per page for emails
       MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to update the open records request to add 25 cents per page for emails.
       All said aye.  Motion carried.

i.)   Approval:  Pay BC Rural Fire Committee for 2% Fire DuesMOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to pay Black
      Creek Fire the 2% Fire Dues $3,737.67.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

j.)   Approval:  Pay Building Inspector for Permits 2014-01 through 2014-06MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler
      to pay the building Inspector $1,150.00.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

k.)   9/13/14 Tire & Scrap Metal Collection – Nespaper Notice – Clerk will publish a notice, the week
       before the collection day.

l.)  Appoint/Reappoint:  Planning Commission Member Bill West and Board of Appeals Member Fred
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to reappoint Bill West as a Planning Commission Member for a
      3-year term and Fred Herman as a Board of Appeals Member for a 3-year term.  All said aye.  Motion

m.)   August 12, 2014 Partisan Primary – Number of Machines and Inspectors – 2 Machines will be used
        for this election.  Clerk will be contacting the inspectors soon.

n.)  2015 Computer revaluation recommended by Borree Services, Town Assessor – The email from
       Borree Services was read regarding the recommended 2015 computer revaluation.  The Clerk is to
       email back asking for the cost to see if it will fit at budget time.

o.)   County Preliminary Reports or Certified Survey Map (CSM) approvals – None received.

p.)  Budget Resolution 02-2014

       The sum of $300 from the FCCU Money Market Account be transferred to the Park and
       Recreation Savings account because the “New Home – Park and Recreation Fee” was paid for
       by a Resident, Scott Holz.
       Role call vote:  Retter—Yes, Neubert—Yes, Knutzen—Yes. 
       3=Yes votes; 0=No votes


The delinquent tax payments were reviewed by the Chairman.


Correspondence taken care of

$500 Minimum balance is needed with the town’s checking account or a $10 monthly service fee is assessed as stated in last month’s minutes.  Treasurer is working this out with Fox Community Credit Union.  The Treasurer reported that June’s fee has been reversed.

The treasurer's report, receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals have been reviewed.

MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to accept the treasurer’s Report, approve and pay the bills and to transfer $17,000.00.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

Total bills for July:  Fox Communities = $16,986.12                                
List of July bills are attached.

MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to adjourn at 8:17 p.m.  All said aye.  Motion carried.


                                                                                                Karen Herman, Clerk
                                                                                                Town of Black Creek

The next Monthly Town Board Meeting will be
Monday, August 11, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.