Town of Black Creek
Planning Commission Meeting
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Jointly Updating the Comprehensive Plan with the Village of Black Creek
19.84(1) Notice of Planning Commission Meeting,
County of Outagamie, Wisconsin
The Planning Commission Board meeting for the Town of Black Creek, Outagamie, Wisconsin, hereby provides its written notice and an agenda of the public meeting for Thursday, May 28, 2015at 6:00 p.m.with the public meeting of the Planning Commission to be located at the Town of Black Creek Town Hall, N6051 12 Corners Rd, Black Creek, WI. The Planning Commission or designee has provided communication of this public meeting by a posted meeting notice.
1. Call to Order.
2. Roll Call/Quorum Call.
3. Verification of Public Notice by the Planning Commission.
4. Approval of the Agenda.
5. Approval of Prior Planning Commission Minutes by the Planning Commission.
6. Report from Planning Commission Officers/Employees.
7. Report from Town Committees/Commissions. (optional)
8. Public Comments.
9. Specific Matters for Discussion and Possible Action by the Planning Commission in Open Session.
Guest: Jeffrey Sanders, Community Planning & Consulting LLC
a. Discussion with the previously reviewed and updated Comprehensive Plan Chapters 7 and 8
b. Presentation and discussion with Chapter 9: Current Land Use and Chapter 10: Future Land Use
c. Discussion whether to add an additional meeting date
d. Review next meeting date
10. Correspondence Taken Care of.
11. Discussions and Possible Action on Specific Planning Commission Notices and Agenda for Upcoming Planning
Commission Meeting(s).
12. Adjournment.
Dated this 26th day of May 2015, Meeting Notice Posted.
Signature of Chairperson or Designee