Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes


December 15, 2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016                                       7:00 p.m.                                             Town Hall
The Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.  

Officials present:  Chairman Dan Knutzen, Supervisor 1 Dan Rettler, Supervisor 2 Tom Neubert, Treasurer Jeri Ohman (left meeting after treasurer items were discussed), Constable Erik Heiden (left at 8:20 p.m.), and Clerk Karen Herman.
Residents present:  Dale Schmoll (left at 7:27 p.m.); and Mike Garvey (left at 8:17 p.m.).
Sheriff’s Department:  Deputy Sheriff Brozewski (left at 7:13 p.m.)

The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on December 12, 2016.
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading and approve the 11/14/2016 Town Board Meeting minutes.  All said aye.  Motion carried.  

MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading and accept the 11/17/2016 Budget Hearing & Special Meeting of the Electors’ minutes.  All said aye.  Motion carried.   

Building Permits:
None Reported

a.)  Sheriff Department– Deputy Sheriff Brozewski was present to discuss town issues.   


u.)  Campground Located at W4096 Kropp RdAttorney is drafting a letter to Manka and DATCP and will be
       mailed once we receive it.  Schmoll would like a copy of the letter or a phone call to inform him when
       the letter will be sent.  Knutzen will notify Schmoll

Erik Heiden will not be running for constable this coming spring 2017.

b.)  Black Creek Veterans Memorial – Town Donation
       MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to donate to the Veterans Memorial and buy an 8 x 8 engraved brick paver
       for $175.00.  All said aye.  Motion carried.  Check will be made out for next month’s meeting.
       Thank you for
       your service
       and sacrifice
        Town of
        Black Creek

c.) Approve:  Adopt the 2017 Budget/2017 Fee Schedule/2016 Tax Bill Inserts
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to approve the budget, fee schedule and tax bill insert.  All said aye.  Motion
d.)  Set the January Budget Hearing date for 1/9/2017Typo…agenda item should read audit hearing.  The
      meeting will begin at 6:45 p.m. on 1/9/2017.

e.)   Budget Resolution #13-2016 and #14-2016
       Budget Resolution #13-2016
       The sum of $127.00 from the Park & Rec budgeted account be transferred to the
       budgeted category Treasurer account to pay the bills.




Continued from previous page:


      The sum of $341.00 from the Town Hall Expenses budgeted account be transferred to
      the budgeted category Election account to pay the bills.

       The sum of $5,714.00 from the New Equipment Fire Truck budgeted account be
       transferred to the budgeted category Fire Dept. Expenses account in the amount of
       $2,210.00 and $3,504 to the budgeted account Road Maintenance to pay the bills.

        Rettler-Yes; Neubert-Yes, Knutzen-Yes
        3 Yes/0 No

f.)  Treasurer’s Report with Receipts, Disbursements, Checking, and Money Market Accounts for Totals from
      the Previous Month
Treasurer is looking into 2 outstanding checks.

g)   Clerk Presents Bills and Transfers Money to Pay Bills–        
       MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to accept the Treasurer’s Report, approve the bills, and to transfer
       $57,200.00 to pay the bills.  All said aye.  Motion carried.
       Transfer slip was signed.

Clerk presented a letter (last month) from the Dept. of Revenue stating that the town will be refunded for payment, by each taxing jurisdiction, of the removed improvements which the town refunded Michael Helser on 1/11/2016.  Payment has been received from Shiocton School District.

h.)  Received County Invoice for Kropp Rd Camground AddressingMOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to send back
      the invoice stating that the town has not approved the addressing request so we do not feel obligated
      to pay for the address invoice.  All said aye.  Motion carried.  Clerk will send a letter and the invoice back
      to the County Planning Department and a copy to the County Treasurers Department.

 i.)  Approval to Pay Building InspectorThe clerk is to pay $50 for permit #21 instead of Hermes $100
      invoiced amount.   MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to pay the building inspector.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

 j.)  Town Hall –RJM Construction Pavilion Plans/Storage ShedTabled until the next Town Board meeting.     

 k.) RoadsDiscussion took place.       

 l.)  Planning Commission – January 26, 2016 Planning commission Meeting 6:00 p.m.– New Planning
      Commission meeting date was discussed.
     —Creation of Base Farm Tract Map – Tabled until the next board meeting.

     —Official Zoning Map needed according to approved Ordinance #01-2015 – Tabled until the next board

     —Comprehensive Plan Yearly Implementation of Chapter 12 in 2017– Tabled until the next board


s.)  Zoning and Planning ConsultantFuture Land Use Map was not included with our newly revised
      Comprehensive Plan.  Jeff Sanders collected the books and resolved the issue.  Chapter 12 was missing
      previously.  Jeff has stated that he would understand if we pursued a new consultant.

m.) Permits Issued/Approvals/Violations (Building & Misc.)
       Jenny Court — Driveway permit
– (Adolf Rd) Not installed yet.

        Chelsey Keller $797.50; Stephanie Manka $200.00; Peter Keberlein $200.00; Jamie Nerious $200.00;
        Fisk $200.00; Johnson $200.00; Richley (3) $606.00, $436.00, $556.00
        New Ambulance Runs – Colwitz $606.50; Kirmsee $200.00; McGlinn $200.00
        Town Ordinanceneeded for Fire Dept. to Bill Insurance Companies for Runs
          Nothing new to report with the runs above.





Continued from previous page:


o.)   Ryan Rohan – Hwy 54 Recycling Compliance ResultsLawyer is working on the legal aspects of this

p.)   Updates to the Driveway and Right of Way Permit & OrdinanceMOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to approve
        the newly revised Driveway & Right of Way Permit.  All said aye.  Motion carried.  Put notice in paper
        that the Driveway & Right of Way permit and ordinance have been revised.  The culverts must be DOT
        (Dept. of Transportation) approved material with tapered ends.  The permit fee is according to the
         yearly fee schedule.                

q.)   Open Records Request for the November 8, 2016 Election Documents
        Wasserman from OH has made a request to receive 64 items of documents.  All documents are not
        within the custody of the Town Clerk.  Our attorney has been contacted.  The cost will be $339.37 and
        Wasserman has been contacted that payment needs to be made upfront before the documents can
        be mailed to him.

r.)  Backup Internet Emails/New Internet Service/Approve Town Web Design Software Upgrade
      MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to upgrade with the Town Web Design Upgrade for $529.00.  All said aye. 
      Motion carried.  Clerk will notify Town Web Design & sign the online agreement which will approve the
      $529 one-time upgrade fee.

s.)  Zoning and Planning ConsultantAgenda item taken out of sequence.  Please see above.

t.)  County Preliminary Consultation Checklist Reports or Certified Survey Map (CSM) – Walter Hess 010040700
      and 010039900
Have not received the CSM for the Hess property.


u.)  Campground Located at W4096 Kropp RdPlease see above.

Correspondence taken care of.

Total bills for December 2016:  Fox Communities Credit Union = $57,207.40                          
List of December bills are attached.
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to adjourn at 9:35 p.m.  All said aye.  Motion carried.


Karen Herman, Clerk
Town of Black Creek


The Next Monthly Town Board Meeting will be January 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.