Tax Collection Date

Tax Collection Dates
In person tax collection will be held January 18, 2025, 12:00 PM -4:00 PM at the Town Hall.  Payments may also be made by using the drop box at the Town Hall, mailed to the Treasurer using the address for the first installment below, or online via the Outagamie County website.  Dog licenses can be purchased via mail or the drop box, see information below. Receipts for tax payments will be mailed in a self-addressed, postage paid envelope if included with your payment, or they can be printed from the Outagamie County website.  Refunds will be issued at the next Town Board Meeting; the board meets the second Monday of every month.

Online Payments & Receipts:

Tax bills and receipts can be obtained and payments made on the Outagamie County website, www.outagamie.org by clicking the “Property Taxes” link on the main page.  For tax bills and receipts, select “Search Property Tax Records” listed on the left.  For payments, click “Payments” then “Property Tax Payments” and follow the instructions on the page.  The parcel ID number should be entered starting with the “010” and no dash.  Note – Dog licenses cannot be purchased online.

            Fees for online payments are:            E-Check – no fee

                                                                        Debit card – $3.50/payment

                                                                        Credit card – 2.2% of the payment amount

Town Hall Address:  N6051 Twelve Corners Road, Black Creek (No mail receptacle)
Town Hall Phone Number: 920-984-1116 (No Answering Machine) see contact numbers at the top of page 1.

 A $35.00 fee will be assessed for each returned check and for each occurrence.

The first tax installment is due on or before January 31st.  If you want to mail in the 1st installment, please mail it to:   Jenni Court, PO Box 84, Black Creek, WI  54106   If you would like your receipt, send a postage paid envelope with your payment.  Please make checks payable to:  TOWN OF BLACK CREEK

The 2nd installment is due on or before July 31st and MUST be paid to the County Treasurer.  Make this check payable to:  Outagamie County Treasurer.  DO NOT mail the 2nd installment to the “Town” Treasurer.  The Town Treasurer CANNOT accept any tax money after February 1st.  Any taxes unpaid on February 1st are considered delinquent and must be collected by the Outagamie County Treasurer

Dog Licenses
1.  All dogs over 5 months of age must have a dog license.
2.  Fee:  $3.00 for a neutered male or spayed female dog
               $8.00 for a non-neutered male or non-spayed female dog
3.  The law requires your dog to be vaccinated against rabies after it is 4 months of age and revaccinated
     within one-year after the initial vaccination.  Current vaccination papers for each dog are REQUIRED when

     purchasing the license.
4.  Dog licenses can be purchased:  1) via the drop box at the town hall in December or January; or 2) through

     the mail.  Please include the fee, a postage paid envelope, and the rabies vaccination papers.  The

     vaccination papers will be returned with the dog tag and license. 
5.  Any dog license purchased after April 1st of each year (until the next tax season) will include a
     surcharge of $5.00.