Monday, August 8, 2011
7:00 p.m. Town Hall
The August Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m.
Officials present: Chairman Dan Knutzen, 1st Supervisor Dan Rettler, 2nd Supervisor Tom Neubert,
Clerk Karen Herman, and Treasurer Jeri Ohman. Deputy Sheriff Clement was available to discuss town issues and Michael & Will Garvey were observing the town board meeting.
The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on August 4, 2011.
MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading of the minutes and to approve the July 11, 2011 Town Board Meeting minutes as presented. All said aye. Motion carried.
Building Permits: #6 Wisc. Tractor Parts Inc. – Shed with electric
#10 David Holub – Addition to shed
#11 Valley North Storage – Storage shed with electric
a.) Sheriff Dept. – Deputy Sheriff Clement was present to discuss town issues.
b.) Town Board Ordering new cell phones; updating Clerks including tethering–
Rettler and Neubert purchased new cell phones which are free after the $50 mail in rebate. Knutzen
plans on purchasing a new phone soon. Clerk phone will need to be purchased on ebay in order to
continue the Alltel Contract Tethering which is provided through Verizon.
c.) Town Hall – Garrow Contract—seeking other quote with Greenville Coop– Neubert reported $1.82
per gallon for cash payments, and $1.99 per gallon for contract payments.
MOTION: Neubert/Rettler—Instead of signing a contract, we will pay as needed. All said aye. Motion
FamilyResource Center located within Seymour School District requesting Hall Rental or use for
3-days of scrap booking event –MOTION: Knutzen/Rettler to charge normal fee for 3-day rental. All
said aye. Motion carried. Renting hall September 9th – 11th, 2011
d.) Roads –
Junk Cars on property – W5449 County Rd A (VerBoomen) – Posting needed for 2 Supervisors visiting
VerBoomen on August 17, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. regarding the removal of his excessive miscellaneous
vehicles on his property.
Destroyed Fire Number in Road Right of Way – Tom Mullen– Allied Municipal Supply went out of
Business and Decker Supply Co. in Madison has been appointed to take over. Neubert contacting a local
signage distributor (prior owned by Tom Brauer) currently owned by Sonnleitner on 12 Corners Rd.
Multiple addressing numbers on private driveways– Tabled until the next board meeting.
WisDOT Pavement Ratings due 12/15/11 – Knutzen read a letter sent by the County that the pavement
rating report has been submitted to the DOT. Town paying County $331.70 for this service which is
included with this months bills. Take off agenda.
Robin Rd—Flow of Water Trapped – Rettler verified that water is still trapped. Knutzen will be
contacting the County.
New Signage needed—Arrows on Wood/Ballard Rd, Curve signage on State Rd – Ready to be installed.
Date to complete was not mentioned.
Drainage issue with Ken Wagner’s Subdivision – County Rd A/Highway 47 has a water drainage issue.
County/State is looking into this situation.
e.) Setup hearing dates –Freedom Development – Outstanding issues: Comprehensive Plan
Amendment needed before County Board can give final approval (hearing date was 1/31/2007) &
Clayman Creek Storage zoning changes on map; Town Official Map Approval/Working Lands
Requirements/Land Division-Subdivision Ordinance— Since the laws have changed for the working
lands requirements, the 2010 revised zoning ordinance will need to be updated with the new revisions.
f.) CSM (Certified Survey Maps)/Preliminary Consultation Requests – None received.
g.) Ordinance/Permit Violations – None Reported.
h.)Permits Issued/Approvals (Building & Miscellaneous) —
Driveway Permit – Robin Rd for Gerald W. Schmoll
# 6 Wisc. Tractor Parts Inc. – Shed with electric
#10 David Holub – Addition to shed
#11 Valley North Storage – Storage shed with electric
i.) FIRE/AMBULANCE –Past Due Fire/Rescue Runs—
Judgements – (No Updates) — Jeremy Norton, Dustin Roskom, William Wagner, Carol Butler,
Anthony Springstroh, and Michael Buffum—
Agreements – (No Updates) – Tammy Stueber, Jamie Rettler, Jesse Howard (need updates) –
Unkown Status –(No Updates) Vicki Waukechon (2008), Cynthia Silva $621.18 (2009), and Joseph
Troiber $250 (2009)—
New Runs brought to attorney – (No Updates) -Bridget Villareal (Bankruptcy) $604.05, Jacob
Grieasbach $511.18, Danielle Hintz $377.00, Kevin Backhaus $626.18, Leah Beecher $250.00,
Roberto DeLatorre $250.00, Rita Helser $533.05, Margaret McKeever $125.00, Levi Spink $662.18,
Perry Springstroh $56.97, Peter St. Thomas $150.00, Lucas Ziewacz $416.25, Julie Merryfield
Bankruptcy) $526.18—
Knutzen gave no updates regarding the fire/ambulance runs listed above.
j.) Schwind Trucking, LLC Disposal Permits – property owners Dan Knutzen and Robert Schmidt with
Villageof Black Creek’s Disposal– MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to approve the permits. Motion carried.
Knutzen abstained from the motion since it involves his property. Clerk gave $200 disposal permit
check to Treasurer.
k.) Writ of Certiorari-Frank Sausen—Appealed by Sausen – No updates.
l.) Jeff Waldvogel Truck Inc. Disposal Permits—property owners Bob & Dave Dorn, Bob Schmidt Jr., Jeff
& Doris Waldvogel with Dairy Waste — MOTION: Neubert/Rettler to approve the permits. All said aye.
Motion Carried. Clerk gave $300 disposal permit check to Treasurer.
m.) Town Ordinance needed for Fire Dept. to bill insurance companies – Clerk to contact Village Clerk
for a copy of the Villages ordinance to charge fire runs.
n.) Tire/Scrap Metal Collection Fall – September 17, 2011—review newspaper posting– Clerk showed
Board proposed notice.
o.) TownCemeteryGrave Sign—letter stickers need updating – Knutzen checking into.
p.) Appoint Board of Appeals Member for new 3-year term – MOTION: Rettler/Neubert to appoint
Fred Herman for 3-year term. All said aye. Motion carried. Member address list was distributed to the
Town Board. Clerk will send out the yearly term list letter to all members.
q.) Budget Resolution 09-2011 –
The sum of $60.50 from the account Road Maintenancebe transferred to the budgeted Cemetery
account to pay the bills.
The sum of $56.94 from the account Road Maintenancebe transferred to the budgeted Office
Expenses/Postageaccount to pay the bills.
The sum of $542.65 from the account Road Maintenancebe transferred to the budgeted Fuel
Surcharge/Land Fillaccount to pay the bills.
ROLE CALL VOTE: Neubert=YES; Rettler=YES; Knutzen=YES; 3=YES and 0=NO.
r.) Fox Community Credit Union—open new accounts/ordering checks – MOTION: Neubert/Rettler to
open a new Business Account for checking, savings and money market accounts with Fox Community
Credit Union of Black Creek. The co-signers will be Clerk—Karen Herman, and Treasurer—Jeri Ohman,
and countersigned by the Town Chairman—Dan Knutzen. All said aye. Motion carried.
Disbursements from checking accounts are by draft or order check. Money may be taken out of savings
or time deposits only by written transfer order. Written transfer orders may be made only to another
authorized deposit in the same or another authorized public depository. CASH MAY NOT BE
checks and transfer orders must be signed by: (a) the clerk; (b) the treasurer; and (c) countersigned by
the town chairperson.
Fox Community Credit Union has requested a copy of the agenda/minutes with the motion stated above.
s.) Recall General Election August 9, 2011 – Tomorrow is election day!
t.) Joe Schmidt requesting new liquor license – Reserve Licenses are $10,000.
u.) Rural Fire Committee budget items—Cutting lawn costs/Snow Removal costs/Knox box/water for
swimming pools/new emergency radio system/In rememberance of September 11–
MOTION: Neubert/Rettler to send the Village a letter to discuss the cost of lawn cutting & snow
removal. Village can provide service to Fire Hall as long as services are at the expectations which they
are now. All said aye. Motion carried.
v.) Set date to audit books in September 2011 – 9/12/2011 at 6:45 p.m.
w.) Set date to work on yearly budget and budget hearing–
11/10/11 Budget Hearing 8:00 p.m.;
10/12/11 work on Budget 6:45 p.m.
Correspondence taken care of.
The treasurer's report, receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals have been reviewed.
Bills for August were reviewed and discussed.
Motion – Knutzen/Rettler to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and to transfer $22,000.00 to pay the bills. All said aye. Motion carried.
Total bills for August: $22,011.54
The list of August bills are attached.
MOTION: Neubert/Rettler to adjourn at 9:14 p.m. All said aye. Motion carried.
Karen Herman, Clerk
Town of Black Creek
NextMonthly TownBoard meeting will be
September 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.