Planning Commission & Town Board Meeting Following the Public Hearing

Town of Black Creek
Planning Commission and Town Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, September 23, 2013           Following Public Hearing at 8:00 p.m.                   Town Hall

The Planning Commission and Town Board Meeting was called to order at 8:34 p.m. immediately following the Public Hearing.
Planning Commission members present:  Michael Garvey, Lee Lemke, Norman Steffens, William West and Dan Knutzen (Chairman).  Town Board members present:  Tom Neubert, and Dan Rettler.  Clerk Karen Herman was also present.  Guest:  Dave Johnson, Assistant Planning Director with Outagamie County and Jeffrey Sanders with Community Planning and Consulting were also present along with 5 residents/land owners.  Total of 15 people were present.


The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law September 6, 2013 at the 3-posting places.


MOTION:  Garvey/West map be submitted as presently approved.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

Once Town Board approval is received tonight, the next step is to have approval from the County Zoning Committee, County Zoning Board, and last be adopted by the County Board which will take until the first part of November.  Once approved by the County, OMNNI will be sending the map to DATCP (Department of Trade and Consumer Protection) for final approval.   Once the Zoning Ordinance is certified by DATCP, the parcels will be reviewed and a plan amendment process will be done to change back the parcels.  The County will amend the parcels to match the town’s zoning before the end of 2013.



MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to approve the map and send to the county.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

The minutes from the Hearing and this meeting will be forwarded to Dave Johnson.



MOTION:  Garvey/Lemke to approve the planning commission minutes from the August 26, 2013 meeting.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

MOTION:  Rettler/West to adjourn at 8:41 p.m.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

                                                                                                Karen Herman, Clerk
                                                                                                Town of Black Creek


                            The next Planning Commission meeting has not been determined at this time.