County Unit Meeting

19.84(1) Notice of Town Board Meeting

County of Outagamie, Wisconsin

                The Town Board of the Town of Black Creek, Outagamie, Wisconsin, hereby provides its written notice and an agenda of the public meeting for the Town Board for Monday, October 21, 2013 at
7:00 p.m. with the public meeting of the Town Board to be located at the Jackson Point Bar & Grill / Crystal Springs Golf Course, N8055 French Rd, Seymour, WI  54165.  The Town Chairperson or designee has provided communication of this public meeting by a Posted Meeting Notice.


1.        Call to Order.

2.        Roll Call/Quorum Call.

3.        Verification of Public Notice by the Town Board.

4.        Specific matters for discussion and possible action by Town Board in open session.

                    a. County Unit MeetingTown of Cicero Hosting

                        Guest speakers Luke Behling and Brad Bastian, Outagamie County Planning Department, with
                        a presentation on GIS information on the county website and how to navigate on the webpage.    

5.        No discussions or possible action on any other specific Town Board Business will be conducted.

6.        Adjournment.


Dated this 16th day of October 2013, Meeting Notice Posted.


Signature of Chairperson or Designee