Town of Black Creek, Outagamie County
Annual Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 — Town Hall — 8:00 p.m.
The 2014 Annual Town Meeting was called to order at 7:59 p.m. Officials Present: Chairman-Dan Knutzen,
Supervisor 1-Dan Rettler, Supervisor 2-Tom Neubert, Clerk-Karen Herman, Treasurer-Jeri Ohman, and
Constable-Erik Heiden. Forty people were present plus guest speaker Christine Miller, Recycling Coordinator
with Outagamie County Solid Waste Department. County Executive Tom Nelson was present before the
meeting began to say hello. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting notice was posted & published according to the open meeting law at the following places: published in the ACN/Times Press the week of April 9, 2014; posted March 31, 2014 at the 3-posting places and the front door of the Town Hall; and the Town’s 2013 Annual Report distributed in April 2014.
The 2013 elected town officials were introduced. MOTION: Michael Garvey/Jerry Linsmeyer to dispense the reading and approve the 4/16/2013 annual meeting minutes as presented. All said aye. Motion carried.
Dan Knutzen reviewed the annual report.
Michael Garvey asked about the construction of a new pavilion at the town hall. At this point the building of a pavilion is in the talking stage. Not sure if the building should include indoor facilities.
Wilfred Theobald asked about why we need appointments with the Agriculture/Household Waste Collection event. Christine explained that by making an appointment there are no long lines, helps to staff the facility, and to know what is needed for collection bags at the site.
Arlin Springstroh asked if Restore plans on rescheduling their free electronic recycling event which was rained out at 1:00 p.m. on April 12. Christine did not think it would be rescheduled.
Christine brought an overhead video explaining the tri-county single-stream recycling growth since 2003 when Brown, Winnebago and Outagamie County’s combined. In 2012 they added shifts and is processing 80,000 tons of recyclables per year. Late this summer to early fall there will be press releases, newspaper notices and Facebook information letting everyone know that more plastics containers can be recycled which will include #1 & #2 wide mouth plastics, #4 & #5 wide mouth plastic, for example: dairy containers, cool whip containers/lids, clear bakery item containers, and milk/juice cartons which are coated with plastic film. Continue to rinse out all containers. Don’t worry about taking off the ice cream pail handles.
Mike Bissing asked about the capped bottles with liquid. Christine said that capped containers with liquids in them should go in the trash. Small caps are not recyclable and end up with the glass containers at the recycling center.
Elton Check was wondering what retail and grocery stores do with used plastic bags. Christine explained that they sell the bags and plastic lumber is made for children’s play sets. Bill West indicated that if we are to recycle more containers, will our recycling be picked up more often. Discussion took place and this subject will need to be looked into more thoroughly. Recycling facility tours are available by contacting Christine. The new 2014 Tri-County Recycling Guide was available for all to take home. Thank you Christine!
Tom Neubert gave an update with road signs. There are road signs which have been tipped, ran over, and stolen (Wolf and Kropp Rd). By 2018 new road name signs must be implemented. Stickers can be put on the back of the signs which identifies the municipality. If you see anything going on with our road signs, report this to the County.
Road Weight Restrictions– Once the frost is out of the ground, the road weight restrictions will be taken off per Dan Rettler.
Next year’s Annual Meeting date: Wednesday, April 22, 2015. By law it needs to be the 3rd Tuesday of April or 10 days after.
Thank you Bill West for the use of your projector screen and thank you Fairview 4-H for lunch tonight.
MOTION: Dwight Wickesberg/Bill West to adjourn at 8:44 p.m. All said aye. Motion carried.
Karen Herman, Clerk
Town of Black Creek