Monthly Town Board Meeting Agenda

Town of Black Creek

Monthly Town Board Meeting Agenda
March 9, 2015


19.84(1) Notice of Town Board Meeting, County of Outagamie, Wisconsin

The Town Board of the Town of Black Creek, Outagamie, Wisconsin, hereby provides its written notice and an agenda of the public meeting for Monday, March 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. with the public meeting of the Town Board to be located at the Black Creek Town Hall, N6051 Twelve Corners Rd, Black Creek, WI.  The Town Chairperson or designee has provided communication of this public meeting by a posted meeting notice.

1.   Call to Order.

2.    Roll Call/Quorum Call.

3.    Verification of Public Notice by the Town Board.

4.    Approval of the Agenda.

5.    Approval of Prior Town Board Minutes by the Town Board.

6.    Report from Town Officers/Town Employees.

7.    Report from Town Committees/Commissions.  (optional)

8.    Public Comments.

9.    Specific Matters for Discussion and Possible Action by the Town Board in Open Session.

a     Sheriff Department

b     Tom Trinko’s Building Site Plan with Setbacks, W5697 County Rd A

c     Computer Upgrade for Treasurer

d     Treasurer’s Report on receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals.

e     Clerk Presents Bills and Transfers Money to Pay Bill.

f       Licensing Publication Fees $35 for Each Applicant

g     Tire and Scrap Metal Collection Day:  April 18, 2015 and September 19, 2015—Publication in
        Newspaper/Annual Report

h     Town Hall– Board Room Cabinets; Concrete Filled in at Front Door;  Projector Pull Down Screen
        Proposal; Hall Shredded Paper Give to Patti LaFave for Kennel; 

i       Roads–Status of Culvert on Krueger Rd in Front of Norman Steffen’s Home—Field Tile is Lower than the
        Culvert; Cleaning Cross Rd Culvert South of Bissing on 12 Corners Rd; Set Date to Install Weight Limit
        Signs on Town Roads; Purchasing New Road Signs; Ditch Repair on 12 Corners Rd from Accident – $750
        for repairs; Kropp Rd & Krueger Rd Pot Holes.

j       Planning Commission – Creation of Base Farm Track Map; Updating the Comprehensive Plan Meeting
        with the Village of Black Creek 3/30/15 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.

k     Permits Issued/Approvals/Violations(Building & Misc.)


Town Board Meeting Agenda              
Monday, March 9, 2015–7:00 p.m.



        Cynthia Silva $621.18 (2009); Jacob Griesbach (2009) $436.18;Candy Jolly(4/2011) $652.18; 
         Faith Roaik (5/2011) $682.44; Richard Prokash (9/2011) $520; Jason Vanderwegen $326.50,
         Lisa Kehl $630.00; Jennifer Krause $430.91; Cody Plaster $714.25; Chelsey Keller $797.50;
         Tyler Schulz $766.50.

          –Town Ordinance needed for Fire Dept. to bill insurance companies for runs.

m   Town Attorney–Review the Zoning Ordinance and Map;
       Ordinance Amending the Town’s Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to comply with the new Farmland
       Preservation Requirements and to maintain consistency with an updated Outagamie County Farmland
       Preservation Plan

n     County Preliminary Reports or Certified Survey Map (CSM) approvals

o     Budget Resolution 03-2015

p     Ryan Rohan – Hwy 54 Recycling Compliance Letter 

q     Legislative Reference Bureau LRB-0665/2—Outagamie Would Like the Boards Input

r       Resolution 04-2015 Opposing County Assessments

s      Change Monthly Town Board Meeting Date from 5/11/15 to 5/12/15

t       Invite to Attend Bill West’s Meeting on 4/10/15 from 9:30 a.m. – Noon with DOT

u     Ordinance #01-2015 to Amend the Black Creek Zoning Ordinance & Map to Comply with the New
        Farmland Preservation Requirements with the Town Attorney Reviewed

v     $50 Fee Due to County for Rezoning Fee for Matt Wilcox and Megan Mulholland Property

w    2014 Housing Survey

x     Annual Meeting 4/22/15 at 8:00 p.m. – Agenda, Guest Speakers, Food/Drink, 2-week Notice in Local

y     April 7, 2015 General Election—Election workers, tabulators, machines, training

z      2% Fire Dues Documents Received by Clerk, Town Board Approving that the List is Complete

aa   Review and Adjust the 2015 Town of Black Creek Fee Schedule

bb   Assessment Resolution #05-2015 to Allow Phone Calls Instead of Showing up for BOR

10.     Correspondence Taken Care of.

11.     Discussions and Possible Action on Specific Town Board Notice and Agenda for
          Upcoming Town Board Meeting(s).                                                                             

12.     Adjournment.                                               

                                                                                                        Dated this 4th day of March 2015
                                                                                                        Meeting Notice Posted.


                         Signature of Chairperson or Designe