Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes


Regularly scheduled for Monday, December 14, 2015 was
rescheduled to Wednesday December 9, 2015

Wednesday, December 9, 2015                                      7:00 p.m.                                            Town Hall

The Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Officials present:  Chairman Dan Knutzen, 1stSupervisor Dan Rettler, 2ndSupervisor Tom Neubert, Treasurer
Jeri Ohman (left after the Treasurer agenda items were completed), Constable Erik Heiden, and Clerk Karen Herman.  Deputy Sheriff Gary Shortess was present at 7:21 p.m. to discuss town issues and left at 7:35 p.m. 
The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on November 7, 2015. 

MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to dispense the reading of the monthly Town Board meeting minutes for November 12, 2015 and approve the minutes as read.  All said aye.  Motion carried. 

MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading of the November 11, 2015 minutes of the Budget Hearing and Special Elector Meeting to approve the tax levy for 2015 paid out in 2016.  All said aye.  Motion carried. 
Building Permits:         
No Building Permits to Report                               

a.)  Sheriff Department– Deputy Sheriff Gary Shortess was present to discuss town issues. 
       –The brake in thieves have been caught in Green Bay.  The property thefts were driven by drugs. 
       –The County doesn’t pick up killed deer on town roads. 
       –In the future, the board should contact Gary to address the side road drop offs of televisions,
         mattresses, etc. 

b.) County Preliminary Reports or Certified Survey Map (CSM) approvals:  Volkman CSM 010-0784-00–   
No CSM received. 

Allen Chizek is interested in building a shop at W5697 (where Da Bumpas was) on County Rd A.  The setback variance was discussed.  He needs to talk to the Highway Dept. and to check all fee and requirements before purchasing this property.

C.)  Treasurer’s Report on receipts, disbursements, checking, and money market accounts for totals from the
       previous month
The new county software will be using primary names only.  There is a concern with the
       name and wrong address being used when multiple owner’s names are listed on the tax bill.  Tax bills
       were sent out to 600 addresses. 

** Deputy Sheriff came now at 7:21 p.m. ** 

d.)  Budget Resolution 12-2015
The sum of $106.00 from the Fuel Surcharge/Land Fill Charges budgeted account be transferred to
                             the budgeted category Treasurer.
The sum of $248.00 from the Constable budgeted account be transferred to the budgeted category
                             Town Hall Expenses.
The sum of $642.00 from the Ambulance Runs/Ambulance Exp. budgeted account be transferred
                             to the budgeted category Educational Meetings & Exp.
The sum of $1194.00 from the Ambulance Runs/Ambulance Exp. budgeted account be transferred
                              to the budgeted category Attorney/Legal.

                              Roll call vote:  Rettler –Yes; Neubert—Yes; Knutzen—Yes  
                              3=yes; 0=No     Approved

e.)  Clerk Presents Bills and Transfers Money to Pay Bills
MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to approve the
       Treasurer’s Report, approve the bills, and to transfer $34,500 to pay the bills.  All said aye.  Motion carried

**The Clerk updated the Town Board that since the Town did not go out for a Recycling bid when the last contract was up for renewal, the County will now only refund the Town at the lowest rate.  For November 2015 the cost was $1,265 for Harter’s and the County’s Inland rate was $1,262.74, we will be refunded a total of $1,262.74.  The difference is $-2.26. **

f.)   Mike & Cindy Koller Division of Land to Build Home 010-029302Take off agenda. 

g.)  Approve Memo of Understanding Agreement (MOU) with Outagamie County as our Provider for
       the Statewide Voter Registration System/WISVOTE –
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to accept the MOU with
       Outagamie County and the Town of Black Creek.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

h.)  Approve Election Inspectors for 2016-2017 TermMOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to approve the Election
      Inspectors list for the 2016-2017 Term.  All said aye.  Motion carried

i.)  Town Hall –Board Room CabinetsTabled until the next board meeting. 

      Setup Meeting to Create Pavilion PlanDale Marsh will be contacted to attend a future Town Board
      meeting to discuss possible plans for a new storage shed and pavilion with restrooms to present at the
      annual meeting.             

j.)  Roads–
      Ballard/Culbertson Rd Culvert – Install New Culvert
No rush, a lot of water present.  Keep on agenda.
      Culvert Fallen in – Schimmelpfenning Rd Off of County Rd PP by First HomeReplaced and completed.
      Take off agenda.
      Kropp Rd – Gravel on the Shoulder by the Road Curves– Brian Gruendemann will be taking care of.
      W4820 Krueger Rd – Trees Trimmed in Right of Way– Tree Trimmer will be contact.
      Pot Holes on Town Roads– Brian Gruendemann is continuously taking care of the pot holes on our town
      Wolf Rd by County Rd PP—Grading Gravel– Take off agenda.  Relook into this situation in the spring. 

k.)  Planning Commission – Creation of Base Farm Tract Map– 
      Official Zoning Map needed according to approved Ordinance #01-2015Tabled until the next board
      Future Comprehensive Plan Meetings– Jeff Sanders, with Community Planning and Consulting, updated
      the town’s comprehensive plan changes and will be revising the subdivision ordinance.  The Clerk is to
      wait to hear back from Knutzen before updating the Planning Commission and Village of Black Creek
      with further meeting dates. 

 l.)  Permits Issued/Approvals/Violations (Building & Misc.)– 
      Shed Building Permit at N5800 County Rd PP (010-049701) looks like a Cabin– Tabled until the next board

m.)  FIRE/AMBULANCE – PAST DUE FIRE/RESCUE RUNS – Jason Vanderwegen $296.00; Cody Plaster $714.25;
        Chelsey Keller $797.50; Ann Marks $749.25
Clerk updated the Board with the Town’s Attorney
        collection process for Cody Plaster.           
       Town Ordinanceneeded for Fire Dept. to Bill Insurance Companies for RunsNot discussed with the
       Village of Black Creek yet.  Tabled until the next board meeting.

       New Ambulance Runs:  David VerVoort $200.00; Stephanie Manka $200.00:  Knutzen contact Kathy
       Pasch with BC Rescue and 3 notices were sent for these runs.  Attorney is waiting for a response from the
       Town regarding the VerVoort collection.  Services were received with no transport.  Knutzen will be
       contacting Kathy Pasch and then, intern, contact the Clerk to inform the collection status to our

*** Village of Black Creek would like to drill a well on Dan Knutzen’s property.  Discussion took place. ***

n.)   Ryan Rohan – Hwy 54 Recycling Compliance Results
Tabled until the next board meeting. 

o.)   Approve the Building Inspectors Revised Contract Effective 1/1/16MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to
       approve the revised Building Inspector Contract with Paul Hermes which takes effective 1/1/16.  All said
       aye.  Motion carried.

p.)   Approve the December 2015 Newsletter included with the Tax Bills
        MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to approve the 2015 Newsletter.  All said aye.  Motion carried

q.)   2015 Pavement Ratings are due to WisDOT by 12/15/2015– County will automatically send the ratings to
        the State.  The Town received no paperwork to determine that it was completed.  Knutzen will be
        checking into. 

 r.)   Set Date to Audit Books 1/11/2016– The internal Audit Hearing will take place on 1/11/2016 at 6:45 p.m. 


Correspondence taken care of

Clerk notified the Town Board about a WTA mailing regarding a fire grant. 

Total bills for December:  Fox Communities Credit Union = $34,464.22                           
List of December bills are attached.
MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to adjourn at 8:50 p.m.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

Karen Herman, Clerk
Town of Black Creek


The Next Monthly Town Board Meeting will be January 11, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.