Town of Black Creek
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Comprehensive Plan Meeting Joint with Village of Black Creek
Monday, February 1, 2016 6:00 p.m. Village Community Center
The Planning Commission Meeting started at 6:13 p.m.
Thirteen people attended the meeting and signed in. Town Planning Commission members present:
Dan Knutzen (Chairman), Norman Steffens, William West, Michael Garvey, Lee Lemke, and Karen Herman (Town Clerk) was present. Six Village Members attended the meeting. Jeffrey Sanders with Community Planning and Consulting was also present.
MOTION: Garvey/West to accept the January 28, 2016 Planning Commission meeting minutes as written.
All said aye. Motion carried.
a) Presentation for the Town and Village Comprehensive Plan Draft Update – Jeff Sanders reviewed the key components of the public draft review for the Town and Village Joint Comprehensive Plan. We are to consult the Comprehensive Plan when reviewing rezones and land divisions. The Planning Commissions should focus on the implementation chapter at their next meeting.
Suggested Next Steps:
Open House Public Hearing – March/April
Final Revisions – April
Adoption by Town Board and Village Board – May
Intergovernmental Distribution – May
Let Jeff know the members names to be included with the pre-public hearing draft.
Notify Jeff when the Planning Commission has completed the Comprehensive Plan review and to
establish the Public Hearing date.
Jeff will draft the adoption ordinance.
Comprehensive Plan Cd’s will cost $5 or $6.
The next Town Planning meeting will be February 24, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. The Town will
review the Comprehensive Plan with emphasis on Chapters 9, 10, and 12.
MOTION: West/Garvey to adjourn at 7:16 p.m. All said aye. Motion carried.
Karen Herman, WCMC
Town of Black Creek — Planning Commission