Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes


August 8, 2016

Monday, August 8, 2016                                           7:00 p.m.                                                 Town Hall
The Board of Supervisor’s meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.  

Officials present:  Chairman Dan Knutzen, Supervisor 1 Dan Rettler, Supervisor 2 Tom Neubert, Treasurer Jeri Ohman (left at 7:45 p.m.), and Clerk Karen Herman.  Deputy Sheriff Brozewski was present (left at 7:30 p.m.) and resident Mike Garvey.

The agenda was posted according to the open meeting law on August 5, 2016. 

MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to dispense the reading and accept the 7/11/2016 monthly Town Board Meeting minutes as presented.  All said aye.  Motion carried.   

Building Permits:         
 #15 – Shane Meulemans – New House with Electric and Plumbing 

a.)  Sheriff Department– Deputy Sheriff Brozewski was present to discuss town issues.
b.)  Audit Books 9/12/2016 at 6:45 p.m.– An internal audit will take place at the noted date and time.

c.) County Preliminary Consultation Checklist Reports or Certified Survey Map (CSM) None to report.
d.)  Treasurer’s Report on Receipts, Disbursements, Checking, and Money Market Accounts for Totals from
       the Previous Month
Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

e.)  Budget Resolution #8-2016 Including New Equipment Fire Loan


The sum of $241,769.00 from the Money Market FCCU New Fire Truck Loan transferred to the budgeted category Equipment Fire Truckto pay the truck bill.

The sum of $144.00 from the Educational Meetings & Exp. account be transferred to the budgeted category Dues to pay the County Unit dues fee.

Roll Call Vote to Approve Resolution 8-2016:  Neubert-Yes; Rettler-Yes; Knutzen-Yes
3=Yes; 0=No     Approved

f.)   Clerk Presents Bills and Transfers Money to Pay Bills– 2 people attending the 9/13 WTA Fall Workshop in
       Green Bay.
       MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to approve the Treasurer’s Report, approve and pay the bills, and to transfer
       $285,000.00 to pay the bills.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

g)   9/17/2016 Tire and Scrap Metal Collection 9am – 4pm, Newspaper Notice
Neubert will be taking care of the collection setup.  Clerk will post a 1-week notice in the paper.

h.)  August 9, 2016 Partisan Primary/Election Workers/Machines/Training/New Inspectors:  Kathy Voigt,
      Dorothy Paltzer, Emily Herman; Kathy Siebers – Chief Inspector Training; Election SuppliesThe Town Clerk
      is now responsible with ordering new absentee envelopes directly from a printing company, since the
      County Clerk will order only once a year.  Frequently there are revisions to the envelopes so placing our
      order yearly with the County Clerk does not seem to be working.  The Town Clerk tries to make use of the
      envelopes by gluing the revisions to the envelopes, if possible.  Four different styles of envelopes may
      need to be ordered.

       New Election Inspectors and Chief Inspector were discussed.

 i.)  Town Hall –RJM Construction Pavilion Plans/Storage ShedDiscussion took place.  Tabled until the next
      Town Board meeting.     

j.)   Roads–
      Ballard/Culbertson Rd Culvert – Install New Culvert
Tabled until the next Town Board meeting.

      Crack Sealing Proposal – Project completed.  The proposal price exceeded by $2,000 to finish the road.
      Take off agenda.

      Road Name Signs on State Rd – Received ordered signs and will be installing.
      Scott Construction – Chip Sealing Kropp Rd – Project complete.  Take off agenda.

      Complete Bridge Inspection Report Recommendations – The raising of signage needs to be completed.
       Radtke Contractors Inc. – Proposal for Culvert Replacement for Intersection of Mullen/Stingle Rd– 
       Resolution #07-2016 Just Fix It Campaign, Funding for WI Transportation System
      MOTION:  Knutzen/Neubert to adopt the resolution Just Fix It campaign.  All said aye.  Motion carried.

Review Hortonville Resolution Regarding Rail Road Right of Way– Reviewed.  Discard paperwork. 

k.)  Planning Commission – Creation of Base Farm Tract MapTabled until the next Board meeting.

      Official Zoning Map needed according to approved Ordinance #01-2015 Not discussed.

      Comprehensive Plan Yearly Implementation of Chapter 12Planning will review the implementation
      process yearly.
      Appoint/Reappoint Planning Commission Members for 3-year term – Garvey, Lemke
      MOTION:  Rettler/Neubert to approve Garvey and Lemke for 3-year term.  All said aye.  Motion carried. 
      Clerk will provide the members with their oath and letter of term.

l.)   Permits Issued/Approvals/Violations (Building & Misc.)
      CenturyLink—3 Right of Way Permits – N.074772 West 2 Genske Rd, N.074769 North 1 State Rd, and
      N.074767 South 2 State Rd –   
Clerk will bill CenturyLink for the 3-Right of Way Permits.
       Fred Herman – Culvert Permit
       Erik Heiden – Field Entrance Permit
       #15 – Shane Meulemans – New House with Electric and Plumbing

       Stormwater/Erosion Control Permit received from the County for M. Helser – Rettler checking into.

        Chelsey Keller $797.50; Stephanie Manka $200.00; Peter Keberlein $200.00; Jamie Nerious $200.00;
        Fisk $200.00; Gaertig $0; Johnson $200.00; Richley (3) $606.00, $436.00, $556.00
Attorney forwarded payment from Gaertig $200.
        New Ambulance Runs – Colwitz $606.50; Kirmsee $200.00; McGlinn $200.00Forward to our attorney.
        Town Ordinanceneeded for Fire Dept. to Bill Insurance Companies for RunsTabled until the next board
        New Equipment Fire Truck Payment to Custom Fab & Body, LLC $247,009.00— $241,769.00 2nd and final
        draw from our loan for the equipment fire truck payment.  The overrun amount is $5,240.00 for the
        additional features.
        MOTION:  Rettler/Nuebert to charge the Village ½ of the overrun and to accept the bill to pay for the
        Fire Truck.  All said aye.  Motion carried.
n.)   Ryan Rohan – Hwy 54 Recycling Compliance Results Tabled until the next Town Board meeting.

o.)   Ordinance to Rescind the Solid Waste Disposal Permit/Ordinance and Pond Permit/OrdinanceTabled
        until the next Town Board meeting.
p.)   Appoint/Reappoint Board of Appeals Members 3-year term – McNichols, SchmidtClerk will be
       contacting McNichols and Schmidt to determine if they would like to continue with another 3-year term.
q.)  Order New Laptop/Backup Internet Emails Quote/New Internet ServiceChecking into the new
       computer features.

r.)  Zoning and Planning ConsultantTabled until the next board meeting.

Correspondence taken care of.

Posting – 8/16 Drainage Board Meeting

Total bills for August 2016:  Fox Communities Credit Union = $285,264.01                           
List of August bills are attached.
MOTION:  Neubert/Rettler to adjourn at 8:48 p.m.  All said aye.  Motion carried.


Karen Herman, Clerk
Town of Black Creek


The Next Monthly Town Board Meeting will be September 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.