Project Bid Notice Addendum



Town of Black Creek,

Outagamie County


PROJECT:  Paving Ott Rd from STH 47 to State Rd


BID DEADLINE:  July 11, 2022 – 7:00 PM, local time




Sealed bids for the above project will be received via mail at least one day prior to the Bid Deadline by Town of Black Creek, Dan Knutzen, Chairman, at N6214 Wick Rd, Black Creek, WI  54106.  Sealed bids will also be received at the Town of Black Creek Town Hall at N6051 Twelve Corners Road, Black Creek, WI  54106 until the Bid Deadline.  Immediately after the Bid Deadline, the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Town Hall.


PROJECT FUNDING:  This project is receiving funding under the Local Roads Improvement Program (LRIP)


RIGHTS RESERVED:  The Town of Black Creek reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any informalities in bidding, and to accept bids to be in the best interest of the Town.  The Town also reserves the right to hold bids for a period of 30 days for review prior to award.  Project is to be completed by June 1, 2023.


BIDDING DOCUMENTS:  Bid specifications may be obtained by contacting Dan Knutzen, Town of Black Creek Chairman, at 920-619-3883.




Phase 1:  Add 6 inch stone lift, reclaim, shape

Phase 2:  Pave single 3 inch lift HMA and shoulders


                      Christy Stover, Clerk

                                                                Town of Black Creek

                                                                                                                                                 Published:  June 12, 2022

                                                                                       June 19, 2022