Town of Black Creek
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 23, 2016 6:00 p.m. Town Hall
The Planning Commission Meeting started at 6:00 p.m.
Town Planning Commission members present: Dan Knutzen (Chairman), Norman Steffens, William West, Michael Garvey, Lee Lemke, and Karen Herman (Town Clerk) was present.
Judy Hornick was present to talk about a future building permit with her property. Bruce & Karen Dietzen were present to talk about zoning and their Ceritified Survey Map (CSM).
MOTION: Lemke/Garvey approved the March 16, 2016 Planning Commission meeting minutes as written.
All said aye. Motion carried.
MOTION: Garvey/Lemke approved the May 4, 2016 Planning Commission Public Hearing minutes as written.
All said aye. Motion carried.
a) Joey Tomazevic Parcel #010-004002 Would Like a Home Building Permit, Has Driveway Easement with No
Road Frontage Over the Hwy 54 Trail – Judy Hornick was present. Her property is zoned general
agriculture, 5 acres, and has a legal proprietary easement documented at the court house. Town
would not be responsible for plowing or road maintenance.
MOTION: West/Lemke recommendation to approve that a building permit be allowed on parcel
#010-004002. All said aye. Motion carried.
b) County Preliminary Consultation Checklist Reports or Consider Recommendation to Approve the
Certified Survey Map (CSM):
1) Lois Volkman CSM Parcel #010-0784-00 and 010-0781-00 –
MOTION: West/Lemke Recommend to the Town Board to approve the CSM as presented. All said
aye. Motion carried.
2) Ralph & Shirley Beyer CSM Parcel #010-0578-00 (Tim Beyer) –
MOTION: West/Garvey Recommend to the Town Board to approved the CSM for parcel
#010-057800. All said aye. Motion carried.
3) Bruce & Karen Dietzen CSM Parcel #010-0566-01 –
A conditional use permit will need to be applied to the 5.6 acre split because the property is zoned
exclusive agriculture. The remaining exclusive agriculture property will not be acceptable to build
on. For every acre taken out of exclusive agriculture, 20 acres must be preserved in exclusive
agriculture zoning.
MOTION: Garvey/West to accept the CSM and recommend approval by the Town Board to amend
with a conditional use permit for the 5.6 acre parcel. All said aye. Motion carried.
c) Review the Revised Comprehensive Plan with the Public Hearing Revisions – Revisions were reviewed
and discussed.
d) Consider Recommendation to Approve the Comprehensive Plan –
MOTION: Garvey/Lemke Recommend that the Town Board approve the Amended Comprehensive
Plan. All said aye. Motion carried.
e) Review Updated Land Division and Subdivision Ordinance –The Planning Commission will continue to
review on a yearly basis with consideration of moving forward. Tabled until the next Planning
Commission meeting.
Future Agenda Topics – Base Farm Tract Map
Yearly Agenda Topics – Review the Comprehensive Plan with Chapter 12 Implementation
— Review the Land Division/Subdivision Ordinance with consideration of moving forward.
MOTION: Garvey/West to adjourn at 8:17 p.m. All said aye. Motion carried.
Karen Herman, WCMC
Town of Black Creek — Planning Commission